
Monday, July 14, 2008

Three Tags for the Price of ONE!

I have been neglecting some of my blogging buddies and their requests for me to do a simple TAG (something I usually enjoy)! Sorry it has taken me so long. Here are the goods. I can't remember which gal requested which tag, so just scroll down 'til you find the right one! P.S. I love reading all of your blogs and feeling like I know what's happenin' in your lives more! These tags are for YOU girls!

3 Joys- Coming home to a clean house after a long trip, tucking my two healthy boys into their beds each night and hearing their sweet little prayers, hanging with my funny and fun husband!
3 Fears- Sudden tragedy in the family, the dark, being trapped in any way!
3 Goals- Adopt a baby or have a baby (either or both :)), finish up these summer classes, get some digital scrapbooking under my belt.
3 Obsessions- Organizing, cleaning, reading magazines and catalogs.
3 Surprising Facts About Me- I have played canasta with girlfriends for about 7 years now and I still don't quite know how to play (without a cheat sheet-I think we get together more for the gabbing than the playing)! Also, I buy a new toothbrush way more often than is recommended (I love new toothbrushes-for some reason they clean better)! and the last non-important fact about me is, I would rather spend money on books and school supplies, than clothing!

4 places I go over and over.
-Wal Mart
-Little Caesers (I have been a lousy cook this year! Help me please)!

4 places I like to eat.
-Olive Garden
-Cafe Rio
-my mom's
-cruise ships

4 places I would like to be right now.
-on a beach in Hawaii
-at the spa for a massage, facial, mani & pedi, hair, makeup, the works!
-BED (I am tired)

4 t.v. shows.
-So You Think You Can Dance (no, I have absolutely no professional dance training, I still love it)!
-Felicity (Ahhh! We finished it a couple weeks ago, I miss it terribly :)
-Any show on PBS (I love all the kid shows they have on there now).
-????? We're not ever really around our T.V. lately.

4 Books I've enjoyed (most recently).
-Diary of a Wimpy Kid
-The Soft Spoken Parent
-(Do magazines count?)
4 people who will respond. ( I am tagging you)
-Lindsay Frei
-Jen Statham
-Wendy Rowlette
-Marianne Shaheen
#3- MINDI'S MEMORY LANE! This isn't really a tag, but I thought it would be fun. (I copied these words straight from her blog, which is one of MY FAVES for a great laugh! Here is her link: Word To Your Mother. You gotta visit at least once, you'll be hooked)!

"i got this idea from amy's blog and i thought it would be fun to give it a whirl. as there are only about 5 of you that know me from real life, this could be interesting, but i think we can all make this happen if we PULL TOGETHER, PEOPLE!!!

this is how you play...

1. as a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and i had together. it doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot--if you are only my "blogging blesbian bff" then you could leave the first memory you have about "meeting me" or whatever pops into your head. (if you have repressed this memory, or wear scary masks, please move on to the next blog of your choice.)

2. next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. it's actually pretty funny to see the responses. if you leave a memory about me, i'll assume you're playing the game and i'll hunt you down and wax fondly about our good times. if you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, i'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

3. play nice. remember, blogging is all about our "mutual -love-admiration society"--i would really rather see something like this: myspace graphic comments

than something like this: myspace graphic comments

if you are a blurker, NOW is the time to take action! don't be shy!
ready! set! GO!!"


Mindi said...

i played this with you already and left my comment--but i'll say one more thing:

i love that you are a teacher! i know it's hard with raising two boys and juggling a family, but we need more good ones like you and i wanted to shout you out!!!

have fun with this--you'll lovt it

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I clean my house before we leave for vacation too. It's the knowing that you don't need to do it when you all come back and your tired, you have to unpack and jump right back into work and school. It's the type A!!

Loved reading your tags!

Laura and her boys! said...

I don't get how to do this, and I have so many memories! Am I supposed to leave it as a comment or write a blog about you on my blog? Let me know.

Steph said...

It's pretty simple actually. You just leave a comment for me right here on this particular post. Once you do that, I,in turn, go to your blog and leave a comment for you. If you want to play the SAME game with your friends, you just do a post about it and see how many memories you get. Obviously, I have friends who have no recollection of me! Oh well:)

Kari said...

I didn't even see this post. I'm sorry. I know I love comments too, and when I don't get them, I feel like a big loser too!

So the first memeory I have of you, is you walking into church... late... and I talked to you on the phone to get Chandler into your school. But I never met you in person yet. and I remember thinking... Ahhh. she's so pretty, and thin, and Oh, I almost hate her (not really). But then Vanessa pointed you out to be "the" STephanie Peterson, and I was so excited to come up and introduce myself! Yeah, and now I can say I'm your friend!!!

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