
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mad Men

So, we read about this show, MAD MEN, that got HUGE rave reviews (five stars actually! Nothing ever gets 5 stars!) and appears on AMC (which we don't get in our Dish package). Steve and I decided to have the first season sent via Netflix to us and we are quite intrigued by it. I think it is so amazing when a movie or a T.V. show can pull off a whole different time era. This one is set in the 1960's with all the hair, furniture and fashion that goes with it. It's really amazing. Also, it is crazy to see pregnant women smoking cigarettes and letting their kids flail about it the car, sans seat belts, as they are driving. It is even more intriguing to see just how far our society has come in 40 years as far as women's rights and stigmas about suburban lifestyle. So far it is a very interesting show. Not one that I'd want to watch with my mom or kids, it has some pretty heavy content right from the start. I am able to look at it with perspective and say, 'ya know, if only these people had the gospel in their lives, they wouldn't be driven quite so mad!' So has anyone else seen this new show? We're only a few episodes in and we keep wanting to watch but we're not sure if it's gonna get to be "too much"! So far, it's just been great T.V. entertainment!


Mindi said...

the critics have all raved about it. i need to get on that train.

reminds me of that scene in hairspray when they see the two pregnant women in the bar, smoking and "cheers"-ing each other with martinis, and traci says, "OH! so glamorous!"

Anonymous said...

Fall might be a great time for me to get on that train too! Sounds like a winner. Have a fabulous weekend....

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