
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

On the Table

Kevin Henkes CollectionIf you have not yet dabbled in the world of Kevin Henkes, I am telling you now, you're missing out! He has written some of the sweetest, most clever books around! My favorite being Owen (which I could not find on my shelf today for this picture) but I know it's around somewhere. Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse was the first of his books that I read and I loved it so much that I was thrilled to discover that he has written so many more (there are more than what I have pictured here, like Sheila Rae the Brave and Owen's Marshmallow Chick). I just love how this author/illustrator captures the absolute essence of being a child and a part of the family unit. His stories have wonderful messages and are packed with great characters that everyone can relate to. I also love how the characters spill over into the different books. In one story, Chester's Way, Chester and Wilson are the main characters and Lily is the new girl in town. Then, in Lily's Purple Plastic Purse, she takes over as the lead. She also stars in "Julius the Baby of the World" which is about Lily becoming a big sister and the trials that come with that. Oh, you just HAVE to read them all! I am not sure which is first, next, last etc. I should find out. It would be a really fun "On the Table" day in our class to read each of the Kevin Henkes books in the order they were written. So fun!


Mindi said...

we've read and love 'owen' but i didn't know of his other books--thanks for the heads up!

jess said...

I LOOVVE his books too! We have them all on our shelves at home. I love giving "julius" to new brothers and sisters. The best part about his books are that I appreciate (& laugh at) the cleverness as much as my kids like the story. Lauren gets a kick out of his "Jessica", of course!

raw mom said...

ve love these! oh and i can totally get your posts!!!

Jaime said...

I love Kevin Henkes! We do an author study on him every year that I have taught! The kids love it and it's a good springboard for writing! LOVE Kevin Henkes!!

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