
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

On the Table

My favorite part of the school day is definitely the time right after recess and right before lunch. It is our designated, uninterrupted STORY TIME! It lasts about 20 minutes and it is the one time of day where I feel I can sit back, relax and just enjoy the kids, the words, the pictures, the books! I can't tell you how many times I have sat in my chair, turned those pages and have just been completely enthralled in the story, loving that the kids are FINALLY hanging on my every word and completely FOCUSED. I love that as I am reading I can gaze out the window across the room and see our country's flag waving proudly in the breeze atop the nearby hill. It just makes me feel so content and happy to have this time with the kids and to be so blessed to teach where I do. One thing that I started doing, a while back, is putting five or six books on the table by the circle time rug. Then, I choose the "quietest listener" to pick the next book that we read. We usually make it through three or four books before we have to wash up for lunch. It has been fun for me to pick out stories that I want my kids to hear or books that go along with the particular theme we are studying, but sometimes it is fun to let the kids choose the books off the shelves and see what interests them. Lately I have been doing the latter and it has been so fun to see them put their "favorites" back out on the table over and over again! Yes, sometimes I do get a little tired of reading "Miss Nelson is Missing" every single day, (I do a really SCARY 'Miss Viola Swamp' voice, that is a little bit taxing on the throat day in and day out) and so it has ended up that Wednesday has become "Mrs. Peterson's day" to pick what goes on the table. I like picking books that "go together" or that are of the same author. It is fun to discuss similarities and differences in the books. I also like to put seasonal and themed books on the table to get a little more science and social studies under their belts. Mostly, I like to pick books that I LOVE! Kids can tell when you really love a book. I want these kids to leave kindergarten this year with a complete and utter love of stories and reading. A lot of the children that I teach come from very disadvantaged homes. I'm not sure how many of them actually know the concept of a bedtime story. I am their storyteller and by golly, I enjoy it to death! So, here's a glimpse of some of our favorite books that have graced our table in the past and here's what was on the table today!

Favorite Fairy Tales:
We have been "revisiting" some favorite fairy tales as told by James Marshall (the guy who illustrated the beloved Miss Nelson Books my kids love). Turns out, he adds a pretty funny twist to the traditional tales. We also had a fun discussion about that Big Bad Wolf (he lurks in many fairy tales) and then read the funny "The Big Bad Wolf is Good." HILARIOUS!!!

Time to Laugh Books:
On terribly "taxing" school days where we all just seem a little too bogged down with deadlines or testing (or Mrs. Peterson not letting us bring lady bugs into the classroom anymore) these are the books I grab. GUARANTEED giggles and smiling and warm fuzzies after reading any one of these titles. "Save the drama for your llama!"

Lovey Dovey Books:
I love these clever little stories that have a subtle humor to them. They are great for breaking into discussion about the unconditional love parents have for their children.

The Famed Miss Nelson Series:Saul had to make sure they were sitting on the table in the correct order. It goes, "Miss Nelson is Missing," then "Miss Nelson is Back," then "Miss Nelson Has a Field Day."

Well, that was fun getting those out of my brain and onto my blog! I am going to try and do an "On the Table" post each week. Stay tuned, there are so many great books I want to share!


Tayler the Teenager said...

Even as an adult I love children's books. I feel like my kids are good readers because we have always had great books around. I also share picture books with my middle schoolers. You are never too old for a good book!

Laura and her boys! said...

Ok, so the last one was totally my post, but I was logged in under Tayler's account. Silly me, LOL

raw mom said...

ewwww. i need to post our faves too! we love books over here! but then i'm sure you knew that! sydeny loves to read together and alone in her bed with a flashlight. emily DEVOURES the stories she and i read togethre and drewy like to read TO US! thanks for sharing and thanks for helping those kiddies love to read and thanks for helping out with mine, too!

Mindi said...

i'm a sucka for children's books, esp. christmas ones. i've never heard of the nelson ones--will have to check it out for my abbey.

my 3rd grade teacher used to read to us every day for 20 minutes and we sat as still as church mice--i still remember "summer of the monkeys" and "where the red fern grows". ahhhhh, memories. thanks for that!

jess said...

Your students are lucky to have you, some of them have such limited experience with books & the best way to help them learn to love them, is to to have someone who loves them (the kids) read to them and showing them that you love to read! I also am children's book fan. Nothing beats bedtime stories at our house.

Allison said...

Gosh! You are just the best teacher in the whole wide world! You seriously amaze me! You are so great!!! I wish ever teacher loved it like you do!

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