
Monday, July 21, 2008

LAST Week's Five

I usually try to have my "week in review" (a.k.a. fave five) list up and posted by Sunday but it didn't happen this week. Instead of blogging, I found myself hunched over the royal throne for the worst half of an hour of my life and then the next couple hours laying around to recover. That's what I get for trying to cook a real dinner (not just meat and potatoes, I actually followed a recipe)! I don't know why I got sick? Steve ate the same thing and was fine. I've only had food poisoning one other time in my life (Cheesecake Factory on a girl's weekend) and last night was almost identical. Anyway-I've already thrown out the chicken enchiladas. What a waste of time that was! Okay, so back to the post at hand. Here are LAST week's top FIVE!!!!

FIVE: This is going to oust me as the worst launderer ever, but oh well! Seriously, one of my favorite things that happened this week was making it to the bottom of the laundry pile! I kind of dropped the ball on the laundry last week (just so tired of load after load-especially emptying out suitcases). So, we spent the week searching for clean clothes from piles of laundry baskets instead of folded neatly in drawers (actually, who am I kidding, there is always at least one basket like this in my bedroom). This week certainly took the cake though. I think I was in denial. School is starting again, right around the corner! I just want a FEW completely LAZY summer days! Well, finally on Friday, I snapped out of it and decided to take charge. The sad thing is, at this point, my only motivation for getting the laundry put away, was to have a few new items to hang up with the old. I took the boys to JC Penny's to buy their backpacks and a few shirts and pants. Laura also filled my trunk with some clothes for the boys and me. This was great motivation! I am happy to say, that by Saturday, all the clothes were carefully folded and put away. The old haggered and too small clothes were packaged up and sent to the D.I. and all the world smells of Downy freshness! Ahhhh. (side note: I just finished burning Conner's breakfast-dang blogging-so the Downy freshenss is now replaced with charred breakfast burrito).

FOUR: One of the WORST things that happened this week was tuning in to SYTYCD and seeing COMFORT IS BACK!!! I was so glad to say bye bye to her. For some reason, she was just bugging me! I was especially tired of seeing her solo routines (she was always in the bottom) so two weeks ago when she finally left, I was a little relieved! THEN, this past week, I see that she is back in the running (Jessica broke some ribs or something)! Ughhhh! But then, outta nowhere, Comfort actually did something I didn't think she'd ever do. She entertained me! She paired up with Twitch and they really danced their socks off with this number! It was awesome. Actually there were SO many fabulous dances this week. At least four that come to mind (not to mention Gev's solos). It was a relief because the last couple of weeks, SYTYCD wasn't WOWING me like it had done in the past. I actually resorted to looking up some of my favorite dances from season two (this and this) reminiscing about the good ol' days! But, last week's shows revived me! It is just wayyy good T.V.! Okay, one more favorite: THIS ONE!

THREE: We survived an ALMOST car accident this week! I can honestly say I am so grateful for anti-lock brakes and seat belts! I was just driving along, minding my own business driving straight through a green light at a four way intersection. There had to have been at least two or three cars that went through ahead of me, it was just a NORMAL green light situation!!! So, what explanation does the crazy lady who almost rammed us have for herself? She was trying to make a left hand turn right in the middle of the green light! There was no arrow for her! It was not her turn by any means! Was she just trying to sneak by? Are you kidding me? Well, luckily I slammed on the brakes pretty hard and she sneaked on by mouthing the words 'I'm Sorry!' as she floated past in slow motion (ya know how it all happens SO fast while you're living it, but it replays in slow motion as you think back on it?). Anyway, my kids tried to blame it on me at first. They were like, "Mom! What was that for?" and blah blah blah. I said, "Are you kidding me boys? I just saved all our lives! You should be thanking me!" All I can say is, maybe it is good to have near misses like that. Makes you realize how fragile life really is and how unimportant some things are. I think my boys have a greater appreciation for seat belts now too. They really felt them hard at work this time! Phew!

TWO: Our ward primary did a cute little service project on Saturday morning. We met at the church and walked to the nearby rest home and sang songs to the elderly people. It was very sweet and a great way to start off the morning. But, I had a hard time convincing the boys that it would be. I had an especially hard time getting Conner to cooperate. Actually, I practically had to drag him out the door, kicking and screaming (well, not literally, but he was being a brat about going). He was saying things like, "You're the meanest mom ever!" and, "Why do I EVEN have to go, it's not fair!" To these statements, I was calmly replying (trying hard not to giggle actually), "Conner, yes I am the meanest mom and life isn't always fair." Flash forward to about fifteen minutes later and that boy was lined up next to his buddies singing these words,
"If the Savior stood beside me
Would I say the things I say?
Would my words be true and kind
If He were never far away?

Would I try to share the gospel?
Would I speak more reverently?
If I could see the Savior standing nigh
Watching over me?"
It was pretty precious to get a glimpse of him singing this song with his coy little smile, looking at me as if to say, 'mom, quit looking at me having fun. I'm still trying to be mad at you.'

ONE: The best part of LAST week was simply being home! No real agenda, not much to do besides summer camp and shopping for school clothes and watching the laundry pile up! It was so relaxing to just sit next to Steve and watch our boys play and play, or hang out in the basement and watch movies as we all worked on little projects. Indeed, it was a pure and true summer week! Not many of them left, so enjoy them while you can!


J Fo said...

I totally shared your shock with Comfort coming back! Even though she did ok this time, I still think that it was horrible that Kherington went home instead of her. (I totally want Kherington's hair!) We were sad to see Gev leave, too. He was really unique. I guess I'll have to vote this next week!

Steph said...

I echo you Jessi. I'm definitely gonna have to start making the phone calls.

Renee said...

That is funny - the last time I was violently sick was when I made chicken enchiladas! I have not been able to eat them since! I realize know that I need to watch SYTYCD - just to put faces with those silly names you and Jessie are talking about!

Anonymous said...

First off, I agree laundry just plain stinks! I have been coupled up doing my fair share of it today from our little weekend get-a-way.

I am in complete agreeance about Comfort, big bummer.

Good thing for anti lock brakes and seatbelts!

Your son cracks me up! Thanks for the laugh.

Being home home just being is a wonderful feeling-enjoy it.

Vanessa said...

Just saw your comment on Mindi's blog. Totally bummed I'm not going to the blogger dinner either. We can be bummed together. PS, I'm really not a stalker, ok, maybe just a little.

Staci said...

I just came to peek in on you and I love reading your are too cute! I also feel you on the whole Comfort thing and I wish I was part of the "girls group" down there so we could just sit and talk about it!

Laura and her boys! said...

I'll miss Gev with all my heart! I loved that kid!!! You are welcome again for the clothes and for the So You Think You Can Dance night! I'm glad you and the boys are fine. Accidents are a scary thing! Been there, done that!

Lindsay said...

Can I just say that I am so jealous that you are caught up on your laundry? With 4 girls, it never, ever ends at my house! BTW I'm glad you guys are all safe.

tiburon said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I am adding you to my stalking list if that is okay :)

Amy M. said...

Seriously, I feel your pain in the laundry department. Some weeks I am a washing queen, and others I just plain suck!

The Grantham Family said...

Let's just face it...that laundry pile never ends. Just when you THINK you are caught up, the dang basket is filled again! Never ending.....

LOVE SYTYCD...D....D... and I am agreement with the whole Comfort thing. She has never done it for me, until last week! I still thought she should have went home. So not in my top 8!

Near accidents are the scariest. Way to have your reflexes on and being on the lookout!

Oh, Connor boy! What a sweetie.

LOVE summer time. Play time and sunshine! I am so grateful for the 3 or 4 months out of the year that is actually warm.

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

I wish I had a husband who had a summer break! Love that you got to just relax together - ALL of you! I am jealous.

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

By the way....thank you for the little post about me! I loved it so much!

boandmarianne said...

Steph - I tried to find the tag withing the pages of your novel/blog - No luck.

Steph said...

I know! I am soooo long winded. It surprises me that people actually READ it! Anyway, I'll email you the TAG!

Vanes said...

Steph! We missed you and Steve SO much with the SUPER 6! Corb and Meg are coming home the first of August so hopefully we'll be able to get together - Mike will still be here until the end of August - the kids and I come home August 4! Can't wait to see ya!!

SarahMarie said...

I can't wait to see you next week. I am working on the new lesson plan template for us. So I hope you like what I am making for you. Sounds like you had an exciting week last week. I am glad that you and the boys are safe. I miss you and I love reading your blog while I am gone. Talk to you soon and I think I might see you on Sunday.

Erika said...

I'm glad you guys are safe! I'm sorry we didn't make it to your party... needless to say, we didn't make it home until 8:30 yesterday evening, and I'm sick on top of that. We're finally home for good, just in time to go back to work. AHH! I love your quotes from the boys, it makes me really miss my first grade class and all the great things thay say!

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