
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Past Due" Baby Update (Baby #2)

Okay, on to baby number two (if you have the will to stick it out through another lengthy update).

So, things in the adoption area have not been running so smoothly either. A few weeks ago, we got our first shocking email from the birth mother of our little girl. She has been having second thoughts and is wanting to keep the baby now. At first, we were just terribly shocked and hurt-it came out of nowhere-she is sixteen (well, I guess she just had a birthday-so seventeen)!!!! Nothing ever gave us the indication that such a young girl, with her whole life ahead of her, would want to make this terrible mistake, but alas, she is pregnant and attached to this baby (which, being pregnant myself, I have a strong understanding of right now). After the initial shock and sadness wore away, we went through an ANGRY stage where I just didn't want to discuss it, think about it-whatever. I was just mad. We had been planning and preparing for this little blessing that had been HANDED to us, now I was left to figure out "what are we to learn from this?" not to mention, what do I do with all this baby girl stuff I had been accumulating-Just maddening for a pregnant woman who is trying to nest! Then, a few days later, our attitudes were all about this little baby girl and have remained there to this day. I could not (still can't) understand why her needs are not being put first and foremost? I actually have had time to think about this a lot (and through emails, we have tried to give our two cents about all this to this young birth mom) and what it all boils down to is she doesn't realize what she will be keeping from her daughter. She doesn't understand the ramifications of NOT having a righteous, good father and the impact it can have on a little girl. I KNOW from my own experience what it is like to live WITHOUT that, but she doesn't. She has a dad. Her own mother doesn't get it either (the grandma whom I am guessing has MUCH to do with this decision to keep this baby). I actually didn't realize myself how PASSIONATE I am about adoption until now, with this happening. It has brought back a lot of ghosts from my growing up years. I didn't just have divorced parents, I had a completely ABSENT dad. One that would maybe send a birthday card (sometimes on the wrong child's birthday-I had two sisters during those years) once a year and occasional, awkward visits. Also, because of the "absent" dad, I had a mother who worked full time my entire life, and though she did an AMAZING job and provided us with many great things, I went without a lot of life experiences that she simply could not provide. I did inherit a step dad during my teen years, and that was a blessing, but it also was not the easiest. I know my life experiences helped me to be a more compassionate person and blah blah blah, but in the end, I would not wish my complicated life on anyone! This little baby-EVERY little baby- deserves (an in my opinion-needs) two loving and PRESENT parents who can provide her with EVERYTHING she needs! I'm sorry, but a teenager and her mother trying to provide the same? It's impossible. This baby is going to miss out on so many opportunities and experiences that will have a lasting effect on her life. I also think this TEENAGER is missing out on the one chance she has to completely right her wrong and rise above this heartache and set the proper example for her two younger sisters. I know the thought of a baby must sound fabulous to her-she will get attention, she will get help and encouragement, but she will always have to live with the burden and the knowledge that she can't do it all. I wish she could just have a crystal ball to foresee what is to come. This baby will not stay a baby for long. She will be a complex, thinking human being who will need SOOOOO much more than a teenage girl will be able to give and it is this child who will have to pick up the slack.
I know other teenage girls have chosen to keep their kids and maybe it hasn't always been doom and gloom. But I am simply comparing what this baby COULD have to what she will get and that is what makes it so sad to me.
So, as it stands today, we still have hope that she could change her mind and find it in her heart to remember why she considered adoption in the first place. We put the prayers out there and hope for the best. We know it is a long shot. Teenagers who don't have a lot of parental support are far less likely to choose adoption and this seems to be the case. When I was telling my mom about this, she actually enlightened me a bit. I hadn't thought of it before, but this birth mother of ours has a "sixtiesh" year old dad but her mom is still in her forties. My mom reminded me that she was about that age when she delivered my little brother. She said that it probably just seems natural to this grandma to want to step in and help raise the baby. Then my mom asked me if I wouldn't do the same thing if the situation were mine? I have thought about this and my answer is absolutely NOOOOOOO! (Let me explain and please, this is just my opinion-no hate mail for me if you don't agree):) For all the reasons I explained above and more, I have decided that if I ever had a sixteen year old daughter sit me down and explain that she were in this predicament, immediately this child's right "to choose" would be revoked. Obviously she is not capable of making such a huge life decision (that completely effects another human being's entire life) if she has already made THAT choice. No child under the age of eighteen at my house will be keeping a child and expecting help from her father and myself. As much as it would probably KILL me to have to "give away" my first born grand child to another family, it is the ONLY correct thing to do (FOR THE CHILD!!!). In my eyes, the only way to correct such a selfish wrong act is to do the complete opposite unselfish act. To right the wrong and fully repent. That is how MY daughter would HAVE to deal with this issue and there would be no further discussion (Steve and I have actually thought about drawing up some sort of contract and presenting it to her before she leaves on her first date-so this does not come as a shock- just in case). I actually KNOW with complete certainty that supporting my daughter FULL ON with going through with an adoption would greatly impact her life for the better too. I have friends who have given up their babies for adoption and my respect for them is so above and beyond, especially now, when I can see exactly HOW hard it is to go through with an adoption. It truly is a miracle! That is exactly why, if THIS baby girl adoption does not pan out for us, we will keep pursuing adoption. Hey, this baby boy of mine is going to need a sibling! I am convinced that being a part of an adoption experience would be such a blessing to our family-even though this experience has been so draining. It initially seemed so perfect too,(heck, it STILL seems perfect. All we can do is pray) that's what makes it hard.
I just think these little experiences in life, this is how we grow and isn't that why we are on this planet anyway?


The Walch Family said...

Stephie Ree....
As you well know.. and as you well remember because you were there, we dealt with a 17 year old too. But you know how it turned out. I want to go on record that I whole-heartedly agree with you. There is nothing good that can come from a baby raising a baby. I think that the contract idea is a good thing. Although it scares me to think about giving it to Jenna! I'm praying for you and I love you so much!

The Grantham Family said...

Steve & Steph

My heart is aching for you right now. Reading your thoughts (and frustration and heartache and anger and sadness) really hit me. I am so sorry that you are going through all kinds of crazy emotions with your pregnancy and with the adoption. You are one strong woman and we will definitely keep your family, and this baby girl, in our prayers.

Laura and her boys! said...

I'm sorry too Steph. I know how hard this would be on me, so I know it must be totally devastating for you and Steve. But I love you attitude. Everything will work out the way it was meant to be, and you will have the family that your were meant to have. I'll absolutely keep you guys in my prayer because I know this baby girl will be so lucky if she gets parents like you!!! Good Luck guys!

Rachel said...


My heart is aching for you right now. I do understand a little of what you are going through but from a different view. My little sister placed a beautiful baby girl 9 years ago. It was so hard but I knew that my sister was making the best decision she could for her little one. I look back on the last nine years as I watch my sister and still believe it was the best thing that she could have done. Luckily my sister had a supportive family that encouraged her to place even though we were loosing a grandchild, neice, etc. I am so sorry that you have to go through this struggle right now. I will keep you and your birth mother in my prayers. It may only get harder as Addison is born but remember that the Savior loves you and He can help you through this hard time in your life. You truly are an amazing women!!

sunnie said...

Sometimes life stinks! Someday I hope to make sense of all of it. Hang in there. Let me know if I can help.

lisa said...

Stephanie- You must be a strong woman and the Lord must trust you a lot because he has sure given you a lot to deal with! I am sitting here at my computer with tears streaming down my face for you. It's not fair that you have been given so much. I will keep praying for you and your trials. You are such an inspiration for those of us weak soles. I think you are the neatest gal! Ever since the first time I met you (at Sarah's I think)I think the world of you. Good luck. Keep your chin up! Thanks for the updates I was really starting to worry about you. Lisa

emurdock said...

I am crying now after reading your news! Steph- you are such an amazing woman with such a wonderful husband. I am so sorry that you guys are having to go through this. I wish I could, in some way help you through this. My prayers are with you and your family as you go on with your struggle! You HAVE to start driniking and resting though!!! I know it is hard, I had Kayla when I was as far along as you are because I did not listen! it is so hard to know that you had control of not having your baby quite this early if you had jusat done a little more, I never want you to have to go through those thoughts and guilt! Please just drink your water and put your feet up as often as you can, this is the one thong you can control right now. I love ya and will pray for the best.

Jessica said...

Stephanie and Steve I just want you to know we are praying for you and thinking of you daily! I'm sorry you are having to go through a situation like this, just when you thought it was all worked out! You and Steve are great people and the best will workout for you! But you need to sit down, rest, and take care of your own self first! Make Steve get you a sub already!!

Devin and Tiffany said...

I can only imagine how frustrating that must be! Just remember that God will make good out of everything. If this mom decides to keep the baby, He will use it for His good. I will be praying that she changes her mind, but also for your heart and for that sweet baby girl.

Jod Jas Curtis said...

How Crazy life is & we never understand at the time!! You guys are absolutely wonderful & things will work out. I too, am praying for you my heart aches with you.
I hope you are feeling better with your little "guy" - he is racing that other baby here :)
Take care of yourself...

Kylee said...

Now I wont have any girl cousins just boys. :(

The Genuine Voice of Lisa said...

Steph, what a load you have to bear! Literally! I have been praying for you and you've been in my thoughts a lot the past few months. You and Steve are such incredible parents. It is sad that not only the teenage girl doesn't see clearly, but her parents aren't seeing clearly as well. I would think THEY of all people would see and understand the implications that go along with a keeping a whole, new, real human being! -One of Heavenly Father's children. It is as if they think that innocent baby girl is a doll to play with.
I agree with everything you stated and all of your feelings. I hope everything works out for you. I really hope this teenage girl will let her heart be softened. She would feel such releif and peace! I have had friends and cousins on both side of the fence and the hardest, most difficult (for the teenage mom and the baby) is to keep the baby. We all know that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings.
Love you Steph.

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