
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wake me up when September ends.

What a CRAZY month. There was a LOT of TRANSITION going on and I am just glad we survived.

Here are the highlights:

1. Preschool started back up. I am teaching a class of 14 students two days per week. It is just the right amount of work. Brayden has been AMAZING. I get him good and tired the morning of preschool and feed him right before it starts. He has been sleeping through the entire two-and-a-half-hour sessions. Sometimes he even sleeps for three hours! I am so grateful for this. The entire preschool dynamic fits so well with my life right now. I LOVE it!

2.  A new church calling for me. Young Women's AGAIN! This is my fifth time serving in this capacity. In the past I have either been the First Counselor over the Mia Maidss or the Second Counselor over the Beehives and once I was the Mia Maid Adviser. This time it is First Counselor so I get to hang with the 14-15 year-olds.I like this age group so much and they are a really GREAT group of girls. This whole thing has really caught me way off guard though. I thought I was enjoying my "cushy/easy" calling of being Steve's Cub Master assistant. I didn't realize how much I needed to be back in this type of calling (one that is physically and spiritually demanding). It has been a good thing thus far. Very busy, but the good kind of busy.

3.  Solid foods and a bigger boy! September has been a turning point for Brayden. He is getting physically stronger and better able to control all that excess fat and body weight he is sporting. He is trying to sit up like a big boy and just LOOKS so much bigger to me. He is past that sweet little newborn stage. He's old news now. When we go to the store, he doesn't get the oohs and ahhs that he used to. He is just your average, ordinary baby now (well in the rest of the world's eyes anyway). To us, he is still the miracle child, center of our world. Anything he does is cute and spectacular and we are LOVING him to pieces! He seemed to turn over a new leaf this month and has fallen into a GREAT routine. LOVE this kid!

4.  Miss Maria's baptism. What a great event! She is a special lady to our family and we had NO IDEA she was even investigating the church. She works for Steve at the school and was my aide in Kindergarten. She is the Grandma to Jayden, one of Lewis AND Conner's best friends. Talk about a good example of Christ-like love-this woman is the epitome. It makes sense that her heart would be softened to the gospel. I am so glad she was able to recognize the spirit and go forth with this important step. Her grandson was her inspiration. He was baptized a month or so ago and was so at peace with it and has been such a sweet example to her, she decided if he can do it, she can too. I loved what Jayden said in his prayer at the conclusion of the baptism. He said, "Please bless that grandma can STAY strong." Isn't that perfect? He is wise beyond his years, that boy. Staying strong is definitely the trick and it isn't easy, but it is worth it! We are so happy for this family and can't wait to see what is to come from this huge step in their lives.

5.  September has been an endless blur of homework, yard work, piano and football practices/games, project after project and the other day-to-day meals and household tasks. It has been fun trying to juggle it all, but it has definitely been a change from our laid back summer. I hope we can hold up 'til May!

6. With the change of the season and the nip in the air, I have been spending extra time shopping for warmer clothes for the family. It has been tricky trying to go back to our "EXTREME BUDGETING" lifestyle after two years of being a two income family. Before I taught at Beaver Dam, worrying about money was just a way of life and something I was used to. During the time I was teaching at Beaver Dam, we had two blissful years of going to the store and buying whatever it was we needed without having to clip a coupon or bat an eyelash. We ate out, we traveled, we went out to the movies. It was heavenly! Perhaps the best blessing from me working though (and possibly the reason that whole experience happened for our family in the first place) was being able to pay for our baby. He was PRICEY! The daily meds I had to take ALONE would have been over a thousand dollars per month had I not had that teaching job and the insurance that came with it. Although we are STILL paying down the medical bills, they are not near as steep as they would have been, so hidden blessing there. But, now we are BACK! Back to reality. Trying to pinch every penny and make every penny count. I HATE it! Fortunately, I do have a few tricks. This picture represents my BEST money saving secret. I bought that whole pile of clothes for less than $5. I used my Old Navy bucks and got Brayden a whole mountain of warm weather clothes (plus a cute little dress for me). I use the Old Navy Visa like I would a debit card. I use it on EVERYTHING I buy and pay it all off when the statement comes. Each time I get the bill in the mail, it has ten to twenty dollars worth of Old Navy bucks (just as good as cash) in it. I save them up and then go on a little shopping spree when our family needs clothes. I have been able to do four or five pretty big shopping sprees with this method. It is awesome. So much better than sky miles or something I will never use. You can always use new clothes! Cha ching!
Well, that is it. Septmember in all its CRAZY glory! I am so glad it is over. I am looking forward to a much calmer October, now that some of the bumps in the road are out of the way and all these TRANSITIONS have been tackled!


Kari said...

you tell good stories! I love reading your blog! I hear ya on the money thing! After I quit my job I can't buy this or that anymore. And I hate it too!

SarahMarie said...

September has been a crazy month. I could not believe that it was over already. Life should hopefully slow down now.

Laura and her boys! said...

Sounds like your life is just as crazy as mine! Motherhood is certainly fun and chaotic. I often wonder when I am going to have time to sit down and come up with a routine :) I need time to plan my plan about time! LOL

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