
Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Reason

Here's the reason I was out of bed more than five times last night and the night before last and the night BEFORE last.

Here's the reason I have averaged a mere five hours of sleep on said nights and have awesome dark circles under my eyes.

Here's the reason I have been seen sporting a hat rather than any type of hair style the past few days.

Here's the reason I have been devouring any and all books, magazine articles and online articles regarding sleep and growth spurts and teething etc.

Here's the reason I get up in the morning, look past all the tiredness, piles of laundry and unfinished to do lists and somehow manage to smile!

It is funny how tired I can be and still be so happy to have them in my life. Really, what would I do or BE without them?

I guess I'll quit complaining now and get back to my motherly duties!


Danielle said...

I hear you Stephanie and I would like to tell you it gets easier, but it doesn't. You do get a little more rest when your little guy sleeps through the night. Look into reading the book "Baby Wise". Kade was sleeping through the night at 11 weeks. Good Luck and looking forward to another night out with you guys!

SarahMarie said...

At least you have a reason to not sleep. I wish I had a family or even a baby to keep me up. Instead I have school that is making me not sleep and really tearing me down. I hope teething and growth spurts get better. Miss you lots.

Kari said...

oh. I love ya Steph.

The Walch Family said...

I miss you sooo much! I just think that having 3 boys is the greatest... notice the connection Stephie Ree? I love you a ton. Enjoy this time... You'll miss it... even the sleepless nights!
Your favorite auntie!!!

raw mom said...

awww! i LOVE that! becuase i can SO relate! SOoo many nights i really get a few hours of sleep and then as tired as i am...i see their teeny sweet faces with huge smiles and i want to smooch 'em up!!! you are SUCH a good a GREAT mommy!!! oxox love ya fifi!!'s stuck...

Miller Time said...

Again, I think we must have picked a cursed name! We haven't figured out the secret to sleeping either, but right now we are battling a stuffy nose that drains down his throat so he can't breathe, ever since his shots last week he's had one.

Laura and her boys! said...

:) LOL

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