
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'm glad I still have SOME leverage.

The other morning I woke up to the sound of rustling paper and then the quiet click of our bedroom door closing. I looked over at the door and saw this message waiting for me. I giggled, for three reasons, ONE; the cleverness of the note itself. TWO; the fact that it is signed "Love, Conner and Lewis" and THREE; out of pure relief that I still have some leverage with those boys. Lately I have been feeling a little ignored by them, like requests, orders or things I ask them to do come across as mere "suggestions" to them. When did this start? I can't remember, but I DO remember, not so long ago, when anything I said WENT. I didn't have to ask thirty times for the toys to get picked up. I didn't have to ask thirty times for them to come inside. I didn't have to use the line, "Just wait until your dad gets home. . ." I was able to HANDLE them, keep them under control, get RESULTS! So, the other night when I was in their room and looking, once again, at the endless sea of toys and clothes and paper and JUNK that they accumulate, I lost it! I said, "Boys, I am going to throw ALL of this stuff away tomorrow while you are at school. I have HAD it! I have bought you bins, totes, boxes, shelves, caddies, drawers etc. and they are ALLL empty and everything is right here on the floor!" Oh, I went on and on and stated my case. Reminding them of the dozens of times I have asked them to keep the UNDERNEATH part of their bed completely empty (I hate random stuff under the bed) and also reminding them of all the places we set up for all their things. It really isn't that hard to keep their room clean, there is a legitimate place for everything, they have just been so lazy. So, I gave them the ultimatum. Right before bed, I told them about my house cleaning plans for the next day and this cute little note was their plea to give them ONE MORE CHANCE! So funny.

So, I went downstairs that morning and LO and BEHOLD, their room was clean! They had spent the morning refilling their totes and shelves and drawers. They hadn't FORGOTTEN where everything went! I couldn't believe it! Did it take LOSING my cool to get these results? I guess it had been awhile since I showed them my limits. Now they know. Hopefully they won't take my pleas for cleanliness as a mere suggestion anymore! I love it when they hold up their end of the bargain and it makes life so much easier (and better) when everything (for the most part-I am not Hitler or anything) is in its place and nobody is being ignored. Ahhhhh.


jen said...

That note just warms my little heart

Kari said...

Sometimes, you just got to be Hitler.

Amy M. said...

I am laughing so hard at that cute little note! I am always threatening the same thing..."if you dont clean up, I'll just throw the toys away." I'm not sure I am making muich progress.

Erika said...

I LOVE it!!!!

On another note what are your plans for Monday? Since I have the day off and John has to be up there I thought we could tackle some of the things on your list for me to help you with... I should have called today, but now it's too late so let me know:)

Laura and her boys! said...

The note is just too cute! My boys have been pretty good about cleaning lately, but I don't have a baby on hip. It seems like if you can't rule over them every second, the house goes to pot! Good Luck!

Devin and Tiffany said...

That is great! I lose it too and my kids are only 3 and 4, I guess I should give them some grace on having a clean room, but I drives me crazy!!

Danielle said...

How cute! Make sure to keep that note. You do have leverage over them still and it pays to be consistant!!!!!

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