
Friday, October 30, 2009


Hallelujah! Brayden takes a binky and you would not believe how our lives have improved!!! It happened about a week ago, on Monday actually. I have been trying to get him to take a binky since birth and he is just NOW realizing that I know what I am talking about! He LOVES it! I can't believe the subtle differences in our day because of this sneaky little invention! For instance, rides in the car; the other day, I was driving to the store and it was COMPLETELY silent in the car. A FIRST! He doesn't usually scream or anything, but he has always been a bit fussy, especially if his brothers aren't back there to talk to him and entertain him. He is just so blissfully PACIFIED now! And, isn't that what these things are for?

Each day now I actually have time to put on my makeup, gather a couple coupons on the way out the door, even eat lunch, without the fussiness that used to resonate. AHHHHHHHH! I love the binky situation! I also love that he can really take it, or leave it. He appreciates it when he has it though. FINALLY!


SarahMarie said...

Good! I am glad he loves it. It was so nice to see you on Friday! I miss you a lot.

Devin and Tiffany said...

Oh I am so jeolous! Kinley just chews in hers, I think I am out of luck. I so wish she would take one, especially for the 12 hour drive we are about to embark on...

raw mom said...

yay!!! or you and brayden!!! we LOVE it too, only we call it a plug...hahah! sad but true, it plugs them up! :)

ps YOU pick a day, i have had SOOOOO many people say they want them done but no oe has picked a day...except nov 10 i'm busy in the evening, and this weekend i'm doing time out for women...other than that...i'm OPEN!!! call me! the sooner the better! oxoxox

The Walch Family said...

Hey is just adorable... and yes... we remember the 'plug' thing too, huh? Jaime AND Josh so loved theirs! Hey... will you do me a favor? You were right... my blog isn't updating like it should. It's not private and I don't know why. Any suggestions on how to get it to update? Love and miss you!

Miller Time said...

Oh my heck! It must be the name cause our Brayden won't take a binky either. We have to hold it in his mouth to keep him from popping it out! He does not like to be put down for more than a couple minutes so it makes our lives difficult also. Same thing with the car rides, if Ky isn't back there to entertain him, he screams!

Danielle said...

My Braedan wouldn't take one either! Maybe it's the name. We put it in and he would plop it out! I didn't push it or he may have. My other boys loved it and I would take it away about 6 months. Good luck and enjoy the peace!!

The Walch Family said...

My posts haven't been showing up on the sidebars as updated. Please delete and then re-add my address and it will work now. Sorry for the confusion!!! Have a great day... miss you!!

Anonymous said...

it's the little things that matter most! he is just precious.

Kari said...

I love binkies too!!

Laura and her boys! said...

Oh binky heaven:) The sad thing is that it does have to end. Please, please, please take it out by 1 year! I hate older kids with binkies in their mouths!!!

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