
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

'Take Me Back' Tuesday!

I love the idea of "Flashback Friday" but I already have the "Fave Five" that I do at the end of each week. So, "Take Me Back Tuesday" will accomplish the goal for me (which is jotting down some memories from days passed) yet, I can do it toward the beginning of the week instead of at the end. It was easy to decide what I wanted to talk about today. Just a little while ago, I got a call from my neighbor, Cindy Cheney. She called to remind me that Lewis is indeed turning eight this month (I guess I didn't need this reminder) and will be joining Cub Scouts (she will be his new leader)! Ughhhh! I knew this would happen, but I kept putting it to the back of mind. I don't want my Little Lewis to keep growing up and THIS, Cub Scouts, is just another indication that he is no longer a little boy. Nope, he is indeed turning into a BIG, independent, Cub Scout! Oh how I long for those days when it was just Lewis and me, chilling at home, running little errands, exploring the world together. I loved being the one to help him discover all the new and exciting things about life. I loved being his EVERYTHING, even if it was just for a short time. He has been turning into this big kid for the past little while. His baby skin is no longer soft and delicate, but callused, tough and often dirty! His sweet, tiny, baby teeth are all but gone, replaced with huge, yellowish ones that I'm not as in love with (yet)! And his sweet little baby voice, no longer high pitched and mumbled, has been taken over by a booming, BIG BOY voice that spouts off historical trivia and mathematical facts on a daily basis. WHERE IS MY INNOCENT LITTLE BABY? Oh how I would love to go back for just one day and hold his chunky little baby hand as we walk together along our little neighborhood street, stopping to chase his shadow and pick up every twig, leaf and bug in sight! How I would love to get one more slobbery sweet kiss from his little baby mouth and feel him nestled up against me as I read him his bedtime story. Man, this whole motherhood thing kind of bites! I had no idea it would be so hard to watch my kids grow up and become PEOPLE! Just take me back, for one day! I sure miss my Little Lew!

Lewis at an age when his drink is almost as big as he is. How precious are those chubby hands and legs? And that slobbery shirt collar? Wouldn't be possible if it weren't for all those baby teeth making their appearance! Oh, I'd give anything to have slobbery shirt collars to deal with again!

Lewis with his new big wheel on his 2nd birthday! SECOND birthday-NOT EIGHTH!!!! Where did the time go?


Anonymous said...

Eight-wow. I fear those days because 5 was a bigger deal for me than for Jake. I guess that's why they say cherish those moments because they go by so quickly and they do. I find myself saying the days are long but the years fly by!

Renee said...

Wow Steph - what a sweet blog entry! They do grow up fast! Cub scouts is so much fun - Hayden loves it. Thanks for reminding me to cherish the little moments!


jen said...

um...that is the cutest picture I have ever seen of lewis. It reminds me of when he and caleb were sitting with their backs to us and we couldn't tell who's kid was who's. Time does fly painfully fast!!!

Laura and her boys! said...

Steph, I know how you feel. Tayler (now 12!) has grown so quickly. Just yesterday he was a precious little boy toddling around my house. These rest are sprouting like weeds as well. Time flies so quickly! But what can you do except live in the moment and cherish every second of each phase they go through (even the phases that we hate!)?

Lindsay said...

Hey Steph. I am just getting into the blogging seen. Erika gave me your address. Sooo cute. You might have to give me some pointers. Anyway, it is a sad day to see your baby grow up. I know all the feelings you are going through.


PS excited to see you in Tucson

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