
Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Little Things

It's the little things that make life so great isn't it!?! I have been slacking on my blogging lately (I am completely immersed in an online class right now) and I have not been keeping track of my favorite things of the week. So, thinking back today and looking through my camera for pictures, I realized, the things I am most grateful for lately are the little things. The little things that I am able to squeeze into (or out of) the craziness of life. Whoever said teachers get the summer off has never been a teacher! Yea, you don't have the classroom full of kids to TEACH, but you can't stop being a teacher! I have already been to curriculum mapping, reading conference, an online class, and tomorrow I am starting another class! Not to mention summer school that I promised some friends I would do and then, by the time that is over, I will get to go set up my classroom and prepare for the new school year! YEP, I better start appreciating the little things! The things that have been making this summer so sweet! With so much going on this month, it would be easy to get caught up in the big things and forget that it's really the little things that make life worth living. Here's my list of little things so far this summer:

Relaxing with Steve on one of our "away" trips.

Seeing Conner walk around the house with this t-shirt on (it says kiss me). Umm, he wrote it himself with an orange highlighter! Oh, and he did it while looking in the mirror so it is completely reversed! LOVE IT!
Lewis willingly offering to help put away groceries and clean out the fridge.

Hearing the boys giggle through the door as they try to go to sleep.

Staying in a NICE hotel with all the little extras!


Conner snuggling up to me during a movie and covering us with a blanket. He is such a cuddle bug! Hope he never outgrows it!

Having friends to "hang" with at any given moment!
Knowing my boys have good friends too!


The new fish bowl for our fish, Finny Von Finnegan! He races around that thing like nobody's business, and it looks good on our console table.

Knowing that Grandpa is out of the hospital and on the mend!


Catching up with old friends while Steve took the boys to the fathers and sons camp out.

Seeing Lewis so excited to be in scouts!

Recently hearing Conner say, "Mom, I will make a good big brother."


Finding little things like this around the house, proof that I have a funny little boy in my life!

Seeing the kids home safe and sound after being away from us for an entire week!

Listening to Lewis read behind me as I wrote a paper for my class. I love that he wanted to be with me!

Partaking in yummy food prepared by loved ones who actually know how to cook with LOVE!

Watching (and re watching) clips like this from "So You Think You Can Dance"

Finding pictures like this on my camera!

Yep! Summer has been good to me so far. I just need to focus on these little things and not worry so much about the drudgeries of the inevitable! Time goes by too fast!


Anonymous said...

Love this post, so sweet and so true! Thanks for the reminder and have a great day even if its being on the computer with an on-line class!

Laura and her boys! said...

You are such a great writer, thinker, blogger, and friend. I love coming to your blog. Sorry it has been so long. Life is getting away from me as well.I too love the little things like hanging out with my great friends. I love how you put the So You Think You Can Dance clip in. Such a great idea! You are simply the best Steph!!! I hope you know that.

SarahMarie said...

I didn't mean to sound so obnixous today about the blog thing. Anyways I have to do something like this. The other day I was all thinking my summer sucked, but I have to say so far it has been all the little things with you guys that have kept the smile on my face. I know you have been a big inspiration to me in my life and reading your blog keeps me going. See you on Wednesday!

S.T. Lewis said...

How is it that every time I come to your blog, I am confused when the music starts playing? Yes... every time! Is that my phone? Am I just thinking of music? No - it's the blog... just like last time.

Thanks for always visiting my blog and saying stuff. I need to post more to keep you and your kids entertained. You guys are great, and I like your musical blog and your fine-lookin' fish bowl.

raw mom said...

that is mt favoreit post! you did good. look at all the little things that made you feel good lately...connor, how sweet. i know i'll make a good big brother...ah. melt my heart. i love finding notes from sydney her do not disturb sign on her door that she can reverse to say, you can come in...and look at that cute sweet dreams pillow.. you are so right. it's the little things. thanks for sharing that! love you!

Jod Jas Curtis said...

You are so cute Steph! I can't believe how much you do- how do you do it all?! Well, you are great at it- best of luck with your classes.

Randy Speed said...


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