
Monday, July 6, 2009

So Blessed!

Brayden's blessing day was such a special event. He has brought so much joy to us and it was fun to celebrate that on a day just for him. A lot of fun things to remember about this day. One, the blessing Steve gave was so great. It is amazing to hear words spoken through the power of the priesthood. It was so touching and such a blueprint for our baby's life. Some things that were mentioned were that he would be blessed with the spirit to guide him in his life. That he would always have the desire to follow the prophets that will head the church throughout his life. That he will be an example to others and that also, he will look to the examples of his brothers and other stalwart men and women in his life. It was a wonderful blessing and so telling for what is to come in this day and age. I wasn't quick enough to get a good picture of Brayden with just his dad in a picture, so the closest we have is this one of Steve's hand carrying him through the halls of the church on the way to have his blessing.

Some other memorable moments were when our baby decided to have a "blow-out" seconds before he was to go up in front of the congregation for his blessing. Isn't this Murphy's law or something? The same thing happened when Lewis was to be blessed. This was Brayden's first MAJOR blowout. He has had a couple of small ones that have leaked out a tiny bit on the sides, completely unnoticeable, but this one (probably because he was wearing all white, vintage {Steve's baby outfit}) was right out there in front!

He only fussed a little bit for his blessing but quickly let me know when it was over that he was ready for his power nursing session! I was trapped in the mother's lounge for the rest of the meeting. I had pictured myself going up and bearing my testimony and leaving my words as a part of this day, but I had no clock in the mother's lounge and before I was done feeding him and putting him to sleep, the meeting was over. I was so relieved to hear sweet Lewis' voice over the intercom in the mother's lounge. He was able to go up and say a few words on behalf of our whole family I guess. It was very sweet.

After the meeting, we did a small little lunch to feed those family members who needed to get back on the road for travel and it was fun to have them in our house. Brayden cooperated for a bit and I was able to snap at least one photo while running around. A sweet picture of Grandpa with his newest, 26th, grandchild!

After Brayden woke up later, Steve snapped a few more photos of him in his outfit before I took it off to wash it. We actually were able to get him to smile for the camera! He has been smiling for a good week or two now, but I could never get him to do it while the camera was pointing toward him. Finally, today was the day! It was a good day and we feel very blessed!


SarahMarie said...

He looks so adorable and cute in all the pictures especially the smile. Congrats on the blessing.

Laura and her boys! said...

You all look so great! Such a cute little man :)

Erika said...

He looks adorable in all his white! How cool that Steve's outfit is still around to be used! Congrats!

Devin and Tiffany said...

Congrats, and I think the "blow out" is great. Just another funny story to add to the baby book!! He is precious!! Can't wait for out littles to meet some day. I hope to get to St. George this fall, my dads new girlfriend just moved in with him... first time this has happend! Anyways we are gonna let them get settled a bit before we bombard!

The Grantham Family said...

What a special day...and so memorable! I cannot believe how big your other 2 boys are, wow! That little Brayden is so dang sweet, blow-out and all!!

Monica Mary said...

What a cutie! Just so you know, I am sooo not with it. I got Cameron all dressed in white a couple days after the blessing to get those good shots of him. That day was far too crazy!

I'm jealous you got Jen for a whole week! That's so great that you had a good time.

Danielle said...

He is getting so big. Cute pictures to remember that special day.

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