So. . .today:
6:30-Wake up and run around the house getting ready for school for about an hour (don't forget, retakes today. Conner totally needs 'em since he pulled his MAD DOG face in the first batch). Head to school (25 minute commute)-realize fifteen minutes in that I've forgotten an important binder and Lewis left his homework at home. Bummer. No turning back.
8:10- School starts! Time to teach those vibrant, energetic little darlings. (Side note: I realize, I have not said a bunch about this new group of mine this year. I haven't taken many pics. They are the sweetest little group of kids EVER! I am soooo lucky. We have fun in our crazy, hectic days.). Today, we had fun with some Halloween projects added into the usual mix of learning.
2:45- Get those kiddos on the bus, clean up the classroom a bit and gather up the boys. Time to head out to make it to everything else on time.
4:30- Back in town- time change makes us lose an hour coming back home. BUMMER. (There's already not enough hours in the day. . .). Once home, grab a quick bite, freshen up a bit and get Lewis dressed for football.
5:15- Head clear across town to Lin's (which by the way was the ONLY store in town willing to donate soda to our school for the carnival- LIN'S is the place to shop)! Pick up the soda and paper products for the carnival.
6:00- Drive over to Lewis's game. He can only play for about 30 minutes so we can get back across town to go to ANOTHER carnival, the ward carnival.
6:30- Leave the game and head back to our house.
7:00- Run back inside the house long enough to change into our Halloween duds and get spooky for the carnival. While home-grab the front door when it rings (and try not to think about how my neighbor probably thinks we are total slobs with all our junk laying around the living room). She just needs me to pop on over to her Bunko party for a sec. and take some pictures of her group all decked out for Halloween. I commented. . ."You guys actually look like you're ENJOYING being in those costumes!"
7:20- Arrive at the Ward Halloween Carnival and chat and play games well into the night. It's nice to mingle with my neighbors and friends who I feel so far removed from in these past two years of never being home. The boys ran around and had a BLAST!
8:10- Get those kids in the shower!
8:20- Read scriptures with the boys and tuck them in.
8:40- Plunk myself down at the computer and get this new post up, all the while, waiting for my cute husband to call and tell me his status. CRAZY, CRAZY busy day. . .but fun. Completely FINE! Wouldn't trade it! Life is beautiful! Here are some pics to go along with our day.