
Monday, December 21, 2009

Infections and Viruses and Bugs Oh MY!

About the same time our computer caught a nasty virus and CRASHED, our sweet little baby caught the croup and kept us on our toes for several days.

Both events came on so suddenly. One minute I was typing and blogging and surfing the Net and the next I was in complete lock down, not able to access any of our files! Luckily we have a friend who took a look at it for minimal cost and fixed it for us. It took a good week to get it all the way back up and running AND we lost every single document file we have ever had! At first we thought all of our jpgs were gone too, but luckily those have been recovered, minus only a few here and there. I have some of our files (mostly my preschool stuff) on a back up disc and I am currently trying to get all of that back onto our computer, but other than that-our computer trials are over. PHEW!

Poor Brayden on the other hand, his little cough sure is hanging on. His croupy cough came on SOOOOO suddenly. It was barky in the morning and by late afternoon I was in the doctor's office with him. He could barely breathe. By 6:00 that night, we were in the thick of breathing treatments and marathon nursing sessions. He was only content with me holding him for what seemed like two straight days.

Luckily babies are so resilient. He was back to his normal sleeping eating schedule within a few days and aside from the occasional cough-he is all but better. We are so glad. Croup is super scary:(

1 comment:

Laura and her boys! said...

I'm sorry about all your bugs! I've had my computer crash as well. It sucks! The croup has hit Peyton a couple of times too. I'm glad you made it through safely, and that you are once again blogging! :)

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