
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Two Months Already!?!

Brayden had his 2 month doctor appointment on Thursday. Here's how it all went down.

Eating well?


Sleeping good?


Social smiles?

At the appointment, Lewis, Conner and I wagered what we thought our baby weighs now. I guessed he would be at least 12 pounds, Conner guessed 13 and Lewis thought maybe 15! He weighed in at 12 pounds 10 ounces this time, so I guess Conner might be the winner there. He is in the 75th percentile for weight. He measured 23 inches long this time and that put him in the 95th percentile for height (he has grown three inches since birth!). His head circumference only put him in the 25th percentile (I don't recall the measurement) but his big, chubby cheeks round him out to perfect proportions!

I couldn't ask for a healthier, sweeter boy! He is finally coming into his own and getting used to this big, mean world. He is a CHAMPION sleeper and eater. I have been LOVING his nighttime routine. I'm usually able to get him in bed for the night by 9:00-9:30. Then, like clockwork, he wakes up around 2 a.m. for his nighttime meal. He is able to down the goods in less than 20 minutes and is back in bed before his eyes even open. He used to wake up again around 5 a.m., but the past couple of weeks, he has been stretching that out until around 6 or 6:30. He eats with his eyes closed again and keeps sleeping until around 8 or 8:30. I gotta say, I haven't been hating this routine!

His days are a little more haphazard still. I can't pin point a definite nap pattern yet. He IS calming down though, not fussing as much and doesn't seem so ANXIOUS to get out the door and GO somewhere like he was doing last month. He is more content to relax around the house and let us all stare at him and ooh and ahh at all the cute smiles and funny sounds he makes. I have to admit, last month, I was still totally exhausted from the round-the-clock feedings and trying to calm the fussies, that I sometimes panicked at the sound of his cry when he would wake from his twenty minute naps. It would throw me because I wasn't sure what he needed since he had just eaten twenty minutes prior! It was always such a guessing game and a little taxing. Now, he is able to nap for at least two hours at a time and he doesn't usually wake up crying. He lets us know he is awake with some cute little cooing sounds and when he sees one of us go in to get him, he seems content and calm and ready to play or whatever! It is so nice. I look forward to the times he will wake up now and sometimes while he is napping, I legitimately miss him!

He loves it when we all stand around and sing to him or tickle and kiss his neck.

He has been ENJOYING his baths each day (a nice step up from the screaming he used to do).

He has outgrown a lot of his sweet little newborn clothes. I had to pack away all of his 0-3 month stuff. He now fits into the 3-6 month size and wears size 2 diapers. He is definitely not a little, skinny boy. He is our "Chunky Monkey" and he is growing and changing by the second! Lately, he hasn't been needing to be bundled up quite so much, which is a relief since he is getting bigger and harder to pin down! He likes holding blankets and burp cloths up against his face and chewing on them. He smiles and coos when we give him something to snuggle with.

We love kissing, snuggling and squeezing every inch of this little boy! And, this month, he has given us even MORE JOY as we get to know his personality better. We are having so much fun with him :)



The Walch Family said...

What a darling post!!! He is just gorgeous... and I can't believe that he is 2 months old all ready. What a sweetie!!! I can't wait until I get my turn to smoosh him! Love you!

SarahMarie said...

How adorable is he! I can't wait to come up and see him since I am home now. I am thinking I might come up tomorrow.

emurdock said...

He is so cute! I love the chunky rolls on him!!! Kayla finally, at 14 months, has on roll on the top of her thigh. i am sure it will be gone soon because she started walking 2 weeks ago :( I am so happy for your cute happy family!

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely the most precious little guy! He looks so extremely content. You and your family are truly blessed!

Devin and Tiffany said...

Wow Steph, I left for vacation and came back to lots of posts :). Brayden is a cutie and it sounds like he is doing really well! Soon enough he is gonna be sleeping through the night. Is it wierd that I enjoy the middle of the night feedings (knowing she is my last) and miss them when they don't happen?

Devin and Tiffany said...

Steph, you are so funny. I have to tell you we have totally ruined out routine by doing that trip! Kinley is now up at night again and has no schedule whats so ever. So we get to start over again!! I think it was worth it :). We are planning to come to St. George for Thanksgiving!!

Laura and her boys! said...

I'm glad things are calming down at your house :) I've always like older babies better than newer ones. I know that makes me weird, but I like when they can sit and giggle at you!

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