As of late, I have been putting a bit more energy into my blog and blogging in general. In doing so, I ran across a blog survey on my friend Lindsay's blog. To echo her sentiment, I was "pathetically flattered" that she would be interested in how I would fill out the survey (actually, she knows I am a sucker for peer pressure) AND, because she is such an AMAZING person, I figure the rest of my blogging friends will find it RIVETING reading as well. So, here it is. . .MY RANDOM QUESTIONS:
What is your current obsession? My new little baby is definitely my easy answer. I think about him night and day and day and night and can't seem to get enough of his baby sweetness.
What do you hate the most that everybody else seems to love? Milk. Especially when people just down a glass. It gives me the willies. I used to could handle a tiny bit of skim on my cereal (just enough to make it wet) but once I discovered soy milk, I wondered how I put up with choking down the cow's milk for so long? I just can't stand the thought of it. It is just very unpleasant to me. I am able to EAT milk when it takes on other forms, like cheese or ice cream, but very minimally. I am not a fan of dairy.
What are you wearing today? One of the only pair of pants that can house my big, cellulite infested bum and a favorite white shirt that covers my even more pathetic, flabby belly (what we put our bodies through for these little babies)!
What's for dinner? I actually cooked a WELL RECEIVED meal tonight (not easy to do with my picky Lewis ). Just a simple barbeque chicken recipe. It was pretty good I must say.
What would you eat for your last meal? Any meal prepared by my mom. She adds the love. Everything she makes is perfection! (I would LOVE for any ONE of my kids to say this about me someday. I have a LOT of work to do to get there.)
What's the last thing you bought? Some address labels from Staples. They ended up being the wrong size (I was dealing with a crying child while I was in there (and NO, it was NOT my baby Brayden crying, it was CONNER) so I was a touch distracted. Kind of a funny story actually: We were in the store all of ONE minute and Lewis took off somewhere. This threw Conner into near histerics. He is TERRIFIED of getting lost or of anyone in our family being seperated. The fact that Lewis wasn't RIGHT there was just too much and he was leaking crocodile tears. Although I think this is a sweet personality trait that he worries so much about his loved ones, this incident was ridiculous and I was SO embarrassed to be dealing with a seven-year-old cryer at the store. Of course, Lewis re-appeared right before I lined up at the check-out counter but by then, the entire store was staring at us. Anyway, I grabbed the wrong, dang labels and now my birth announcements will wait ONE MORE DAY before they get put into the mail! My baby is 2 months old and I am just BARELY sending out his announcement! I am awesome:)
What are you listening to right now? Some new tunes that I added to my playlist. I have neglected the darn playlist on this blog for so long. I finally added some songs and deleted some others yesterday. It is a work in progress though. There are a lot of good songs out there. I have been taking a liking to the Natasha Beddingfield one lately so I put that for #1.
What do you think of the person that tagged you? Lindsay Grantham. . .Love her, miss her. When I read her blog, I am reminded of how much she and I are alike (although, I think she might be a tad bit offended by that staement- we do kind of think the same about a lot of things) but she pulls off life so much better than I! She is way cooler than I'll EVA be. She has got it all figured out, that girl!
If you could have a house, fully paid for, and totally furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be? Not far from where I am right now! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE St. George and never want to leave, no matter HOW stinkin' hot it gets!
What is one of your hobbies? I'd have to say ORGANIZING. I feel like that is all I have been doing for the past few months. I had to completely re-organize my house to make room for our new little one and now I have to re-organize all of my teaching supplies in my preschool (to make room for all the CRAP I bought in the past two years for kindergarten). I know that "outside folk" must think the school districts supply all the classrooms, but really, honestly- we teachers end up forking over some big bucks to keep those classrooms ticking. I had NO idea how much I really bought until I had to bring it all home! Anyway, ORGANIZING- I love it! It's challenging to try to to make a small space function. I hate clutter. I am not a lover of junk lying around that is not being used. I love getting rid of stuff just as much (if not MORE than) as buying stuff, and organizing it all in the end makes me happy and content. I know, soooooo weird!
What are 3 things that annoy you most? I am still pretty hormonal right now, so the list of annoyances is longer than usual, but to narrow it down to the top three: 1) the never ending dust and debri that piles up day in and day out! 2) Sleep deprivation 3) Annoying sounds, like nose whistles or snoring (anything that would ADD to the sleep deprivation).
What is your favorite color? Love green, all shades!
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
I don't know if I even have one. I guess I would have to say the stretchy, comfy pants I am currently wearing.
What is your dream job? I would love to get paid to do something I love like scrapbooking, or organizing or something creative like that. I really love teaching and I love being a stay at home mom too, but I love the idea of being able to do FUN stuff and get paid to do it.
Describe your personal style. Cheap and Easy. I swear I have no style. HELP...personal shopper anyone, anyone!?
What are you going to do after this? Make myself a snack and cozy up with my current book (all the while, praying my baby stays fast asleep)!
What is your favorite "happy hour" at Sonic? I like their strawberry slushie drink. I haven't done happy hour in a long time, but I do like the drinks that have the real, fresh fruit and ice.
What inspires you? Amazing women who I can relate to but who are soooo much better than me. I think, "If they can do it, so can I!" Luckily, I have had great role models my whole life. Most of them are good friends. I can sit and chat with a group of them or just one of them and walk away ready to do better and try harder! I also love visiting blogs of more famous inspiring women. I am inspired by their lives and dedication to family.
Who was the last person you kissed? My sweet, delicious Brayden boy! Right on his neck, his favorite kissing spot (I even got giggles this time:)!
What are you currently reading? I'm in the middle of three different books.
The Hunger Games (which I am not really loving yet),
Enjoying the Journey, and
A Thousand Splendid Suns.
What delighted you most today? Each time my baby boy drifted off to dreamland in my arms.
By what criteria do you judge a person? Speaking skills. I have a hard time with poor English. Sometimes it is hard to see past a thick southern drawl. I appreciate people who can speak well (I understand that I am not one of these people, but I ADMIRE them)!
What is on your agenda for tomorrow? More of the same, playing and organizing and loving every second of being HOME. I am hoping to take my Conner to a movie. He earned a date with is mom (lucky kid:)) and I am stoked for a dose of him plus some buttered popcorn (since I am in no hurry to rid my bum of all that cellulite)!
The rules: Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own.
Tag eight other people!
Laura, Jaime., Erika, Kari, Jill, Sarah S., Sarah K., Aunt Colleen