
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Past Due" Baby Update (Baby #1)

No, I am not anywhere close to past due myself, but I do think I have neglected the blog world for way too long with an adequate update, so here goes. SOOOOOO much has been happening, most of it a little on the "drama" side, so bare with the me. I might have some "splaining" to do (and it might take awhile-so get comfy).

I guess I'll start first with MY little bun in the oven. HE is doing exceptionally well. However, his poor mother is a complete mess! For starters, I just spent a lovely 4 hours in labor and delivery yesterday for my second "preterm labor" scare! Oh, it was just so great I will say. For the past month and a half, I have been having contractions that do not go away. At first they seemed to come on sporadically (as Braxton Hicks should) but slowly, they were just constant and ever present. At one point, toward the beginning of March, I finally went in to the doctor (after basically having to hobble around like a little old lady for days)to find out "if this is NORMAL?" Well, they did the preterm labor tests and I cleared them all, which did not explain the pain? I did feel a little peace knowing I was not going to deliver a two pound kid though and I followed the "take it easy" advice (as much as you possibly can while teaching kindergarten:)) Anyway, a few days later at my specialist appointment, I found out this little guy had been in the breech position and thus, some reasoning behind the PAIN involved in walking.
Recently, he just turned himself around, much to my appreciation and great relief and since then, the pain has been far less distracting-however the continuous contractions have remained.
My specialist has been having me go into the maternal fetal medicine place twice a week now for non stress tests to check amniotic fluid levels through ultra sound and monitor heart rate and fetal activity for forty minutes. This has been interesting and I have been about five times so far. Every time I get hooked up, I leave with a clean bill of sale but the nurses always look a little curious about the contractions. They always ask me if I can feel them and I say, "not really when I am resting, only when I am walking or in the upright position." I guess up until yesterday they have been sporadic enough that I have been good to go. So, imagine my surprise when the nurse yesterday announced that my contractions were coming in regular THREE minute intervals and that I had to go into labor and delivery for further tests!!! What? (I had plans to go to the bank, Kohl's and a bookstore after this. . .) I totally was not planning to possibly deliver a child. I tried to explain that I didn't feel ANY different then what I have been feeling for the past month or so, but even though they were (well who am I kidding, as I sit here they are still happening, so ARE) not very strong, they were still very regular.
So, I did all the tests again. They do a few different things to check for labor, all of which are embarrassing and uncomfortable, and then you are just asked to sit and wait for the results (oh plus endure a nice big shot in your heiny-to help baby's lungs develop in case I deliver anytime soon). I am dilated slightly, but not enough for worry and my tests came back, once again, in the clear- proving I am not yet in labor. Dr. Lunt explained that this test should buy me at least another two weeks-meaning I should be able to keep this kid in there for at least that long. I am praying for a full term baby of course so I am doing all I can to rest and drink and all the other things they keep telling me to do.
I just wish they could tell me why I am contracting like this? They say there is usually a reason, but they have not found it. Plus, when I asked about the drug that stops or slows contractions, I was told that I am too late in the game for those to work now, even though I am only thirty-four weeks.
When I told my mom about our little trip to the hospital last night, she said she is not surprised. She reminded me that at the beginning of this pregnancy, my specialist was NOT optimistic that I would carry to term. I remember being so mad at that thought and slowly I have brushed it off to the point where I had almost forgotten he said that. Every month when go in for my visits he has been more optimistic and the baby is always so healthy. I guess in the end, I need to remember that this is a miracle baby who is staying alive by the grace of God and a miracle drug (heparin). It is still a high risk pregnancy, even if I'd like to imagine its not. I just hope no more trips to the hospital until about MAY 20th!!!


SarahMarie said...

If you need anything let me know. I am glad to see that everything is healthy, even though you were in the labor and delivery room. Let me know anything you need.

Laura and her boys! said...

Oh sweetie!!! Good luck! I know everything will turn out fine though even if he is a preemie. Hope to see you tonight!!!

Erika said...

Sounds like you've had quite the exciting time this week! At least you haven't had to deal with 5 and 6 year olds :). We've just been hanging out at home since we went to San Diego a couple weeks ago. Let me know if you need anything and keep drinking all your water!

Renee said...

Wow - guys what a ride you are on!! I am thinking of you and both of those sweet babies. I will hold Spencer a little tighter and keep you in my prayers - all will be good!

The Bailey Family said...

Hang in there! I had tons of contractions with Janey (my third). It was really annoying! I've heard a lot of people say that you get more with each pregnancy. Not to say that that's the same as yours, but maybe that has something to do with it:)

Devin and Tiffany said...

I will be praying that baby stays in there!!!

And yes you could do it if you want (responding to your comment on my blog). If I can do it ANYBODY can do it.

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