
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cheap Therapy

I am not sure why it is so hard for me to get back on the blogging track?! I feel so much better about life when I can stay organized and up to date as well as get random thoughts out of my brain! Blogging is pretty therapeutic for me. I posted my last two posts after weeks of getting close to no sleep. It was funny, as soon as I got all those thoughts out of my head into the computer, I slept so much better and everything started to feel more peaceful around our house. Blogging is such good, cheap therapy. I had no idea! I just got done reading back over those last two posts and I am realizing they sound a little 'forlorn" (not to mention all the typos and word substitutions-I did go through and fix those). I probably need to do a quick post to give a more accurate picture of how we are doing now. So here goes:
We are pretty sure we are only going to be bringing home one new baby this spring. We have not even heard if the birth mother has given birth to the baby girl? It would be nice, for some more permanent "closure", if we knew some stats and details, but we have never been through this whole adoption backfiring thing before and are not quite sure what the protocol is? Do they just drop all ties with us? Does our case worker learn info and fill us in? I guess we will have to figure that all out, but anyway, we are just grateful to be back in a place where we are calm and content with how this whole experience is panning out. I truly think that a lot of our comfort has come from prayers and thoughts from friends and family. So thank you, everyone, for all you have done to help us get through it. We did have a little rough patch of sadness and anger, but we are finally back to a state of being blissfully excited and happy about welcoming our new little boy here in the next few weeks. We are so glad that this whole adoption thing is not taking away from the joy we still feel for our little boy. We finally have his room pretty much ready (I say pretty much because I tried "touching up" his paint, and it isn't matching, so we will need to do a quick once over the whole thing) but that can come later if need be. He has a bed, a dresser with a reasonable amount of newborn baby items in it and an entire family awaiting his arrival! We cannot wait to snuggle this little kid to pieces and just sit back and enjoy him! We have waited so long! I am excited to have Lewis an Conner be at such a helpful age too. It is going to be enjoyable rather than crazy and I am super stoked about that.
Well, this is our life right now. I STILL need to get my act together and download some photos of our last FOUR months of life (my camera is JAM PACKED)and get caught up. I thought I would get to that over Spring Break (which was last week for us) but I was too busy getting the NESTING stuff out of my system. It feels sooooo great to have our house in order and ready! And, it's a good thing too seeings how I am still having those blasted contractions! I have another appointment on Wednesday and they will do the labor tests again to see if I have another good two weeks of time to keep this little guy inside. We have our fingers crossed that that will be the case. We want him to come as close to delivery day as possible so wish us luck!


Lindsay said...

I am so sorry that you guys have had to go through this. It is so comforting to know that everything happens for a reason (although it is so hard). I am glad that you are feeling better. My girls are so excited for your baby to come. I hope you won't mind if we stop by sometime after school gets out:)

Jaime said...

Well I am so excited about my new nephew, and even more glad that he is still tucked safely inside until the time is right. :) Yes, everything does happen for a reason, even though it may not be clear what that reason is. We are so thinking about you guys! :)

Laura and her boys! said...

Sweet! A new post! I love reading your thoughts and feelings! I too am sorry that you have had to go through this whole adoption fiasco, but I'm sure there was a reason behind all the drama. Only time will tell what lessons will be learned. I'm so happy that baby boy Peterson is hanging in there :)

Hey, how about a name update? I can't remember if you guys have decided or are still debating. Let us all know! Just giving you another idea for a blog since you give them to me all the time! :)

Vanes said...

Steph - I've SO been thinking about you and Steve!! I'm bummed to hear about the pre-term labor - glad to hear that it's resolved for now... REALLY sorry to hear about your little girl! My heart goes out to you - there's NO better family then you and Steve! Hang in there Steph!
*BTW - What is Quincy doing for work now?! I think they should go sell APX!

The Walch Family said...

Steve and Steph
I have been thinking alot about you and what you have been going thru since we were there twice ourselves. I don't know if you remember when we were going to adopt Julie.. our Korean baby girl. Well, you know that it never panned out, but I still think about her even now. I spoke in church and brought her up and tears still came. Anyway, a story for another time. BUT!!! What I wanted to say to you was that my Jared... Your Missionary Stuf of a cousin, was our 3rd baby boy. He brought such peace and tranquility to our home. He was such a blessing and I wouldn't trade him for a girl for anything. There is something about Baby #3. I don't know what it is. They seem calm and loving and they are pretty amazing. You and Steve and use our tag line *My 3 Sons*. It was great! Anyway, I know that the Lord has something great in mind for you with all that you have been thru. We have been praying so hard for you and have even told Jared about your struggles. He has been praying for you as well. Anyway, I can't wait to meet my great nephew. He will be such a blessing to your family. I know from experience! I love you and miss you tons!

The Walch Family said...

Oops! I meant Missionary Stud!

Miller Time said...

We are so sorry to hear about the birth mom backing out, but are prayers are with you regarding your baby boy and keeping him safe inside for as long as you can.... We found out last week that we are having a little boy too!! Ky is way excited...Take care.

Anonymous said...

Steph, you have been on my mind and I am thrilled to hear that you are at peace with whichever way things work out with you both and the birth mom.

You are so close now and the count is on. Take care of yourself and keep us all posted!

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