
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fave Five For the Week

Gosh, I haven't done a "Fave Five" post in a long time! This week (April 20-26) there were a lot of fun things to remember as favorites. Starting with today.

5- Relief Society and Sunday School Class:
I never thought I would see the day that I would be grateful to be back in Relief Society class on Sundays rather than Primary or Young Women. Same with Sunday School class. It has been so many years! For the past three years, I have been the CTR 6 teacher (I was able to teach both Lewis and Conner during this calling:)) which camps me out in primary for those last two hours of church each Sunday. I pretty much had that calling mastered! Such a fun, fun three years. Prior to that, I served in the Young Women organization (with a tiny two month time out for scouts right before the primary calling) and had already been serving in Y.W. in my previous ward (so, it was like a five year stretch). Prior to THAT, I was in primary for a good year to year-and-a-half, at least. So, I figure, it has been a little over 8 years since I have been in Relief Society classes!!! CRAZINESS!!!
It is fun to sit back and have MY brain challenged with inspirational questions and be asked to stretch my knowledge of gospel principles. For so long I have been on the "6 year-old or teenager level" which has been great and fulfilling, but change is always promising-even if it is a little sad or scary at first. It is going to be nice to do the "mom" thing again. Sit in class with my newest little man, trying to keep him from crying and bothering everyone else. It has just been SOOOO long!!! I can't believe I am looking forward to such a simple, funny thing?!

4- Girl's Lunch at P.F.:
Such a great group of girls I am associated with! My friend Jessica headed up a fun little gathering yesterday to celebrate the arrival of our baby boy. It was fun to see my friends from high school again and catch up. We met at Pizza Factory and stayed for a couple of hours. I am so bugged that I didn't think to grab a picture with them? At least I can snap a pic of the fun goodies they brought for the babe.

Even Amy from S.L., and Mary who JUST delivered her little girl a week ago, came with their newest babies and that was so fun! Also there was Jill, Melinda, Kristin and Jess. Thanks girls for taking some time out to help me chill and just have fun! I really hope we follow through with making it more of a monthly event!

3- NEW DUE DATE!!!!:

My appointment on Wednesday was pretty exciting!!! Not only am I still not in labor (phew!) but the doctor scheduled me for an induction and moved my due date up by SIX days! YEAH!!!! The new due date is MAY 14th so the countdown is on! The induction is necessary for people like me who are on blood thinning medication. I have to stop my injections at least 24 hours prior to delivery. In the event that this guy wants to come BEFORE that time, there are still meds they can give me at the hospital to REVERSE what the Heparin has been doing, but I would prefer to keep the drugs at a minimum as much as possible! I would like to think that I could actually maybe deliver a kid without an epidural (if it happened super fast, like some lucky ladies are blessed to experience, I know I could do that). But, for me, it's the NOT KNOWING how long labor will take that freaks me out. I am not sure I have the stamina and endurance to make it a really long stretch of time. So, I need to plan for that epidural and the less other drugs, the better. However, my contractions have been registering stronger at the last couple of non- stress test appointments, yet I am still able to go about my day as usual?! So, maybe I am slowly building up some sort of slight immunity to them!? Oh, we shall see. I'd like to think I could last a couple of hours on my own, but I am sure after two HARD CORE contractions, I will be asking for that epidural! Which brings us back around to the point that I NEED this kid to come on his NEW DUE DATE so I don't have to have all those other drugs too! Here's hoping it will all pan out!

2- Baseball:
This year, the boys have been placed on the SAME team! We REALLY scored big on this one! I am sooooooooo grateful we are only having to go to ONE practice each week and ONE or TWO games as well, rather than the DOUBLE of that that we have done in the past (and will have to do again the next 4 years until the boys are in the age ten and twelve bracket). It has been SO fun to see them play alongside each other. Lewis has really stepped up to the plate and has had some great hits. Both he and Conner hit TRIPLES this week! Conner also has been trying his hand as catcher and did a great job this week. He's getting the hang of it. I just think he looks so cute with all that baseball equipment draped all over him!

1- Most grateful for. . .
This week, I have been MOST grateful for an understanding, supportive, hard working husband who has been SO helpful and so awesome as I have been feeling even MORE like an invalid. At the end of the day, when I am SPENT, he cheerfully takes on the all that needs to be done. Especially when the kids ask to 'go fly kites' or play catch or basketball outside, he is THERE with a smile and COMPLETELY focused in on them. I am amazed! He is just the greatest dad ever and the kids are so lucky to have that. I actually was feeling a little jealous early on in the week. Conner didn't want to finish reading Stuart Little with me but instead, wanted to 'practice baseball with dad'. He said, "Mom, we have a game tomorrow, I need to get ready!" I was a little hurt that finishing OUR book wasn't as exciting to him, but I do understand. I just wish I could have the energy back again to be more a part of what they are wanting to do now that the weather is so perfect. I am definitely not the TOP DOG according to the boys lately. This is fine, and I truly am grateful that they DO have a top dog dad!


Anonymous said...

I think you look positively a-m-a-z-i-n-g in this last stretch! You almost had a Mother's Day baby and I guess in a sense, he still will be!

Adore the picture of the boys!

Laura and her boys! said...

I can't believe that you haven't been in Relief Society for 8 years. Were you going stir crazy? LOL I would have been.

The shower sounds like so much fun. Are you mad at us for not doing the same? I'm not sure how this all works, but I do have a present for you!

You look absolutely tiny! I can't believe that you are due in 16 days! You don't even look ready to pop!

I'm so glad that your boys are together this year. I bet that reduced a lot of stress for you which is all for the best right now! :)

And I agree that Steve is a great dad. I'm glad you got so lucky on this one!

Love you girlie!

The Bailey Family said...

I love the picture of your pregnant belly. You are looking so good!

raw mom said...

sweet girl!! you are almost there! you might even be in there right now for all i know!!and you can SO DO IT!!! honestly, just pray and breathe throught the contractions...serioulsy!! thats all i do. i just breathe and stay calm...we can still do a lunch for you, maybe even after he gets here! love you, missie!!

ps drew is SO excited to be in your class! she keeps telling her sisters she is going to school too! :)

Rachel said...

I love the pictures of your husband helping the boys practice the piano-that is awesome!!

You can totally do your labor without and epidural. If I can do it you can to-it is all in your mind. Just focus on your boys and how excited they are going to be when their little brother gets here-you can do it!!

Tammy said...

Holy cow - just 2 more days!! I am so jealous I wasn't there for the big "reunion" shower! I hope it all goes well on Thursday!

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