
Saturday, April 19, 2008

This Week's Five (In Full Color)

I am devoting my five favorite things of the week to some of the things that make my life great, easy, or fun and that maybe I have neglected to mention in the past. These are things that are NOT particularly new occurrences or relevant to this week only, but they are great things that occur in my life each and every week. They deserve to be recognized. It is fun to think back on my week and know that I have so much that makes me smile and it occurs continuously. I am so blessed. Here is this week's "Fave Five" in pictures!

Number Five-
Notes written to me on the white board. This happens two to three times a day. At first, the kids would get mad at me for erasing their messages, but they finally agreed that I needed room to write things too. So, as a compromise, I read what they say, out loud to the class, before I erase. There have been some funny phrases I'll tell you! This one was worthy of a picture. In case you didn't notice (I didn't at first) It doesn't just say, "My teacher is nice," It actually says, "My teacher is 100% nice!" Just F.Y.I, Howard is 100% cute!

Number Four-

How I Survive! In the School District where I work, the Middle School and High School kids do not attend school on Friday. They have SUPER long school days on Monday through Thursday and then Friday is devoted to extracurricular sports and other school events. One thing that the students can choose to participate in is to be a "teacher's aide" at the elementary school on Fridays. Of course, I think this is an absolutely BRILLIANT idea! These kids are such hard workers and so much fun to have in the classroom. My class LOVES them and I enjoy their help sooooooo much! There is always a "to do" list a mile long and I am always afraid I am going to scare them off with all the jobs I give them to do, but they honestly love it and keep coming back. This week in particular, I had given the kids raisins for a snack and a good five or six ended up on the ground and being smashed in to the tile. I told my two girl aides I would love it if they could wipe (dig, scrape whatever) the raisins up for me. They ended up moving all the furniture off of the tile and then swept and mopped the whole thing. Then they put everything back (in a new arrangement) and it looks great! They had so much fun too. The other helper that comes in is one of my student's brothers. His favorite job is setting up the Kindergarten Store. We use a ticket currency system in my class (kids earn the tickets for good behavior etc.) and they buy fun trinkets and treats each Friday from the store. Fabion loves setting up the store and helping the kids buy their stuff. I just feel like so much weight is lifted off of me on Fridays when these great kids step in and make all the hard stuff look so easy!

Number Three-
Friends. I know, not the greatest photo with the sun right over your heads girls, but I had no other photo of Adrienne on my camera, so it will have to do. These are a few of the gals I get to hang with once a month for CANASTA!!! This month, we didn't actually play (we sat on Adrienne's couch and watched American Idol) but the food and the chatting was SUCH good therapy! This week was particularly fun for me, getting to snuggle with new baby Allie and just relax a little. I always look forward to our get togethers and I think you all must too. We seem to find ways to sneak other "girl's nights, park days, shopping trips" into our schedules. I think we are all better moms for it.

Number Two-
My Super, Great Spouse. This is not the best picture either (I seem to only take pictures on "Pajama Days" at school. . .we have had at least three pajama days this year. Go figure?). Anyway, this photo represents something I am so grateful for day in and day out. Being able to work with my husband! When will I ever have THIS opportunity again? It is a once in a lifetime situation that I have enjoyed so much. I love walking around the school and hearing his voice or seeing him busy running the show. I especially love knowing that Steve is just seconds away if I need him. He is extremely fun to work for and I have been blown away by his ability to deal with the enormous stress that is is to principal a school. Indeed, it has been a wonderful blessing to be together at work and our family has benefited from the extra time together.

Number One-

Nate The Great Pancakes! This one is long over due. Steve keeps asking me when I'm going to do a post about our favorite Saturday tradition. Well, here it is! Lewis found this great pancake recipe in one of his Nate the Great books. One morning, Steve decided to try it out with the boys and they were absolutely delicious pancakes! The boys have been preparing our Nate the Great breakfast every Saturday since. Steve is such a patient dad, letting Conner and Lewis do most of the work (including cracking the eggs- Conner's favorite part). I am usually trying to get the mattress off my back while all of this is going on. Conner usually comes in to get me, "Mom, the pann-a-cakes are ready!" "Okay!" I say. . . "Let's Eat!"

Okay. This has ended up to be a truly long post! Thanks for staying with me if you did! It was a fabulous look back on my FAVE FIVE!!! Hope it got you thinking about yours.


Allison said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read your blog and I LOVE your weeks five. I look forward to every post! I'm so glad you update so often. You are such a fun person and a super great teacher and one of the best Mom and wife I know! You are an inspiration!!!

Amy M. said...

I continue to love how much you love teaching. I can only imagine what an absolute blessing you are to those kids. I completely agree with your "friends" comments. I love seeing and catching up with everyone. (Sorry I missed Adriann's house.) And the Sat. pancake idea...darling!

SarahMarie said...

Steph, I agree with you on having those high school or middle school students there on Fridays. It really helps make life go so much smoother and lifts the weight off too. I love the pictures of everything and I hope one day that I will have children like your boys who can cook for me. I know my brother and I use to do that at times. Well you are an inspiration to me and I am so glad we have become friends.

jen said...

You have become quite the blogger!!! I have been suppppeeeer busy!!! and I haven't had a chance to look at your blog or do any bloggin of my own but I am going to try and do better. Your family is as cute as eve!

mike and bri smith said...

Hello Peterson family. Your blog is so fun to look at. Your "fave five" is a great idea and one that I may have to borrow. You will have to check out our fun at

Laura and her boys! said...

Steph, I get notes on my board as well. Great idea to take pictures before erasing! I also love my friends. Our monthly canasta and in between park, shopping, swimmin, etc. have gotten me through some very trying years! Thanks girls.

Mindi said...

it's your lucky day--come on over to my blog to check out why.....

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