
Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Funny Photographer

I was going through my pictures on my camera, cropping and saving the ones I like, when I came across a series of photos that I did not know were taken this week! My funny little Conner got hold of my camera and snapped away! He used to love to grab the camera and walk around the house taking pictures of things (I have noticed that some of my blogger friends have young photographers at home as well). He hasn't done it in awhile so these recent pics caught me off guard and made me giggle. It makes me laugh to see what pics these young Ansel Adams' find interesting. I love the digital camera age where we can allow our kids to take pictures without fear. This was so taboo when I was a kid. My photos would have been dubbed "a waste of film and money" had I ever gotten the chance to click the camera. Well, it seems Conner is developing quite the eye for a good photo. I noticed he is getting closer to his subjects and told me "the pictures look better by the window". He also found some interesting subjects that were willing and able to stay perfectly posed into whatever position Conner wanted. There were so many photos, I couldn't quite think of a way to share them all, but I didn't want to just erase them. They made me laugh! So, here's a little slide show. Conner helped me pick the best of the bunch. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Laura and her boys! said...

So funny! My boys would totally do the same thing except they know I would kick their behinds!!! Maybe I should let them run wild one of these days because they do love the disposable cameras that my mother-in-law gets them.

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