
Saturday, May 16, 2009


Brayden Taylor Peterson

May 14, 2009
7 pounds 6 ounces
20 inches long

He is the sweetest little guy. Came into the world on Thursday morning at 10:54 a.m. after about 10 hours of labor. The hospital called us on Wednesday and asked if we wouldn't mind going into the labor and delivery at midnight for our induction. Of course we THRILLED to oblige! Luckily, Steve's awesome sister, Sunnie, offered to take Lewis and Conner for a sleepover so we could do it. It was fun to arrive there with everything so quiet and peaceful in the maternity wing of the hospital. Exciting really! Here is the birth story in a brief nutshell:

So, we arrived at the hospital shortly after midnight and had such a great time making our way through the first stages of labor. I guess it is good I had been having contractions for those past couple of months because I surprised myself with how long I was able to go without the epidural. When they finally DID hook me all up to the epidural, I asked for the very lowest dose and that served me well for a good few hours. Actually, the biggest relief to me, from the epidural, was not necessarily the pain relief, but more so it was not having to use the bathroom every five seconds! I can't count how many times during this pregnancy I wished for a catheter and I was THRILLED to finally have one! I know that sounds so ridiculous, but my entire pregnancy has been one big TRIP to the bathroom (one of the side effects of heparin) and I was SOOOO relieved to take that out of the equation finally!

Anyway, after a few more hours, I was only dilated to a 4 and so they broke my water. The pain was a little more intense at this point, but I began to notice that it was only really painful on one side. I decided to push the little button to give myself more of the medicine and that's when I realized the epidural was not working!!! It was making my left side complete dead and numb, but doing NOTHING for the right side. At first I thought I could probably just endure it. But as the hours went by, I realized I was not equipped. The nurses and anesthesiologist kept coming in and asking me if I wanted ANOTHER epidural and I kept telling them "no thank you." Then, right there toward the end, when the contractions were super close and intense, I started PANICKING!!! I finally told Steve (who was peacefully reading off in the corner there) I don't think I can DO THIS!!! And then I lost it! The nurse came in and checked me and I was at a NINE PLUS! They hurried and grabbed the anesthesiologist and he said there was only a 50% chance that redoing the epidural would work but it was the only shot I had at getting through the last stretch. So, he redid it and not two minutes later, I was PUSHING!!! Luckily, God heard my pitiful prayer (that I am a HUGE WOOS and I need the epi to work) and he granted me the ability to push, PAIN FREE! I really am not one of those gals who could have been born before the invention of modern medicine. I just don't have it in me! Not even the DESIRE! I kept beating myself up about it, but Steve reminded me that NONE of that matters! All that matters is that WE are now the proud owners of a SUPER SWEET, DELICIOUS and BEAUTIFUL baby Brayden!
And we lived happily ever after! The End


Vanes said...

Steph! OH MY WORD! CONGRATS and BLESS YOUR HEART! That was intense! I'm right there with you on anti-natural child birth! I'm VERY impressed with how LONG you endured! YOU GO STEPH! We have a little something for you - can't wait to see that little guy! :)

boandmarianne said...

Congrats you guys! He is a doll and we are glad momma and baby are doing well! Love ya!

Renee said...

Yeah!! We are so happy for the Petersons!! Welcome Brayden! Glad that mom and baby are doing well. And Steph welcome to the no sleep club!!

Kari said...

Ok. My turn to hold him next. You're coming to church tomorrow right??? haha

So dang happy for you, I feel like screaming!!!! Love ya.

Denice said...

Congratulations!! He is adorable. We are glad it's all over and you are both doing well. Take care. We are so happy for you.
Denice & Richard Family

SarahMarie said...

So happy for you guys. Glad you made it through and he is adorable. I can not wait to see him. Let me know when you are ready for visitors and all that.


taylorz of lehi said...

You are THE woman!!!! Bless you heart. You are a mother AGAIN!!!! Congratulations and best wished to the 6 of you.

Erika said...

Yeah! I'm so glad to FINALLY have details! Can't wait to see more pictures and meet the little guy in person! I also can't wait for Conner daily news tomorrow morning, it's going to be great. The whole class is so excited!

lisa said...

Congrats!Steph. I am so happy for you. What a cutie! I am excited to hear more about him in the future. You made me very baby hungry. You give me hope that maybe I will be able to have another one, after a five "trying" time I'm about to give up. Take care- Lisa

lisa said...

That should have said a five year "trying" time. I should proof read. GRRR Sorry

sunnie said...

We are so glad he is finally here! You will appreciate him even more with all it took to get him here.

Jaime said...

Yippee! We can't wait to see him! Grant has a cousin he can play with! Too fun! Hope to see you soon!

Rachel said...

Congrats!! I am so happy for you and your little family. Love the name! And he is sooo precious! If you ever need anything feel free to call anytime.

The Walch Family said...

I'm so excited to meet my little great nephew. Can't wait to smoosh him. Love and miss you ALL!

Devin and Tiffany said...

Congrats Steph! Good labor story, I think that would be the worst to think you are getting an epidural, and it not working yikes! I am happy it worked in the end for ya! He is a cutie and I love his name!

Lindsay said...

So happy for your little family! We can't wait to meet him. My girls are asking me all the time when we are coming to visit. So let me know when you are semi recovered.

I had to have to epidurals with Laila. For some reason the first one just decided to quit working. But you have got to love them.

BTW did you ever find out who gave you that gift?

Jod Jas Curtis said...

Yay- CONGRATS!! so happy for you guys to get this little miracle baby here... glad you were able to get through your labor okay, that is not always the greatest experience. Love, Kiss & Squeeze that lil' guy, he will grow up too fast.

Kristin said...

Congrats Steve and Steph! So glad he is finally here safe and sound. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, he is beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more pictures.

Laura and her boys! said...

Congrats you guys!!! I am so happy for your little family! And Steph, I am so proud of you epideral or not. You have been such a trooper through all the doctor's visits, all the probing, all the poking, and all the stress! You ROCK girlie!!!

emurdock said...

You are awesome!!! I am the bigest wimp, I never would go that long without the epidural! You are so amazing, congradulations!!!

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