
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CH CH CH CHanges!

Okay, Okay! I know I have been TOTALLY neglecting this blog. I feel hugely guilty about it but for some reason I am not really doing anything about it! Steve has even been on my case. We have tons of fun stuff going on and I am dropping the ball on recording it in our history. Plus, I had such grand plans for this year and my little blog and it bothers me that I am just throwing those plans out the window! I pictured a makeover, not just in overall appearance, but I was going to try to post one little blurb every day. This was my solution to the sunken Project 365 plans (the Becky Higgins project that I missed the boat on). It is a way of recording sort of the little moments in life and I was stoked to get into that frame of mind. Especially since lately I have only been blogging like MAJOR events. I am forgetting to jot down the little moments and that was one of the reasons I liked blogging in the first place. Anyway, I wanted to turn over a new leaf and do just little snippets of what either happened in the day, something funny someone said or little thoughts and pieces of conversation. I even had the first couple weeks kind of mapped out and just NEVER did it! Now I am just finding myself completely dropping the ball all together. How pathetic.

I still really want to follow through with some of my plans but once my life completely changes in April, I'm not sure WHAT I will be able to accomplish as far as the cyber world is concerned? I still have not been successful with getting my blog "published" into a family book. The website I was going to use ( no longer works with Blogger. Bummer. I haven't had time to shop around for anything else. Is there anyone out there that has done some research in this area that knows more than me? Please share your knowledge! I also have a huge "nesting" to do list that I try to chip away at every day, but I have such little energy (um, it will be nice when that comes back) I'm not making much progress.

Here is just a little list of what I need to get done:

  1. Substitute plans for the entire last month of school
  2. Prep for Kindergarten Graduation
  3. Prepare all "end of year" stuff for the students
  4. Preschool Stuff (I think I'm going to try and do at least one session):)
  5. Re-arrange my ENTIRE house, practically! We need to move the boys downstairs and set up two nurseries upstairs. This will involve refiguring storage, hanging shelves, buying furniture, painting and on and on!
  6. Clean everything! Simplify! Downsize! Declutter!

Oh the list could go on and on. Those are my top priority though, besides the stuff that is usually and constatnly on the "to do" list already! I keep thinking in the back of my mind, advice from a friend "rest while you can." But I don't see how that can be possible. There is too much to do and we are running low on time.

So, my apologies to the blog world, and my husband (who I never realized enjoyed my updated posts so much) for being such a major slacker! I know I will figure it all out soon and get the ball rolling. I look forward to being "on top of things" again! Oh, I will be SO grateful when that day comes and I am optomistic that it will!


Maman Pélissié said...

Check They publish, and back up 1 of your blogs for free!
Oh- and it is much easier to use than blurb was.

Steph said...

So, I had checked out Bloggled and they made it seem like it wasn't up and running yet. It says, coming in 2009, or something like that. I don't think I know how to navigate their website very well, but I have tried. Is there anyone who has actually made a book there?

Laura and her boys! said...

Girl would you chill out! You don't need to be superwoman all the time. Seriously!!! You need to drop the preschool session this summer. Are you completely insane? You aren't going to want all those germs in your house with 2 new babies! Not to mention the fact that you will have TWO NEW BABIES!!! There will be no time, so drop that ball right now!!! If you don't, I'll have a fit! Steve better back me up on this one or I'll clobber him!

Now as for the blog. That I love to read, so keep going on that one. The one thought a day idea is great, and I may steal it because we do like to hear about the little things in your life. You have such a great way of looking at the world and jotting those thoughts down. Don't worry or sweat the small stuff!

The Grantham Family said...

Do you know that I think about you ALL the time. I just keep telling everyone about "my friend" who is having amazing things happen RIGHT now. Please stay true to the blog because I LOVE reading your words. You are so great! Can relate to the having little energy right now....ugh.

Kari said...

Steph. CALL ME ANYTIME. Seriously, now that my mother in law is here, I can come and go as I please. I can help with anything, anytime. AND I LOVE doing it. You know that. Lets put it this way.. I will be offended if you DIDN'T call me. I want to help you move around stuff, clean, or anything else you might need. Seriously... call. Oh, and I'm free. hehe

SarahMarie said...

Steph- I am next door like every weekend. So call me anytime and I will help. I can even take the boys and do something fun with them or something. Let me know I will help with whatever I can.

Devin and Tiffany said...

Don't stress out about all the stuff you need to get done! Just take in one day at a time and remember the babies won't know if they have painted room or not, you have time after the babies are born to do some of that stuff! I think it is so great you are having two since the boys are so much older, they each have a buddy!

The Bailey Family said...

The best advice I got when I was pregnant was to just lay down and rest, even if I couldn't sleep! It really worked, because a lot of times I'd be too stressed or wired to sleep, but if I just told myself I was going to rest for 10 minutes, it was a lot easier!

Jod Jas Curtis said...

Okay, since you left me that last comment I have been dying to look at your blog- then I couldn't get on.... thank you facebook :)
CONGRATULATIONS STEF-- I am soooo excited for you guys to be getting your babies! What an awesome treat for you guys: boy & girl.... ahhh what a year you have to look forward to.

Jaime said...

You have to make a months worth of lesson plans? Don't your long-term subs take care of that? That's a lot of work. I'm with your friend Laura. I think you will be busy with babies to have a preschool, but to each their own! I wish I could be there to help! Hug Lewis and Conner for me!

Tammy said...

Yup, ditto Laura on the whole preschool thing, but don't stress about the lack of blogging - just get the good stuff out there like you have been and feel good about it. :) You're amazing. I'm sooo excited about your new arrivals!

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