
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stuff I Keep Forgetting to Post. . .

#1. My friend Wendy, who used to be a Stampin' Up demonstrator, is getting rid of some of her inventory. All sets are $5 each! Click here to check it out!

#2. My neighbor is friend's with the artist Al Rounds and he is doing an exhibit, demonstration at her house on October 18th. Everyone in the community is welcome to come to this event. Click here and leave her a comment if you'd like more info about this. Here is an example of one of his beautiful paintings. . .

#3. I was "Husband Tagged" and I already did it awhile back, but I will repost it here so it can be enjoyed again! K. I hope that is all I am forgetting. Hope so!

Husband Tag!

What is his name? Steve
How long have you been married? In just about one month, we will celebrate our TENTH big year! We are going on our first cruise EVER to celebrate and we cannot wait!
How long did you date? GEEEEEZ. Our dating/courtship was such a soap opera. It went on for over a year and was completely crazy and intense and exhausting! It was definitely meant to be though. After going through all that, you know you're in it for the long haul!
How old is he? 32
Who eats more? Might be a toss up. He definitely eats healthier.
Who is taller? Steve for sure. He is actually the perfect height for me. I don't have to kink my neck to look at him when we hug/kiss!
Who sings better? He would say I do, but let's be honest, neither of us would ever win American Idol.
Who is smarter? We all have our different "areas of expertise." I would say he is, on paper (especially trivia-my heck he knows EVERY unimportant fact possible), but I am a quick thinker, problem solver type.
Whose temper is worse? Probably mine.
Who does the laundry? Actually, that is all Steve right now. We take turns with the two worst chores; dishes and laundry. While he's better about getting the laundry clean, dried and put away, I am much better at making it look nice and tidy. So, even though the laundry is kept up, the kid's drawers are a disaster (Lewis' clothes mixed in with Conner's), and sometimes my socks and shirts end up in the kids' room. But, you gotta love a man who is willing to help out and can actually seperate the darks and the lights and remove stains! Yep. He's a keeper.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I guess it is Steve, now that I am thinking about it.
Who pays the bills? Definitely my penny pinching Steve!
Who mows the lawn? The maintenance guy (I wish I could talk Steve into a "cleaning lady" too).
Who cooks dinner? We are pretty equal with this task. Seeings how we both get home at the same time, we usually work together to get dinner on the table.
Who drives when you are together? Steve, almost always (how else would I get my makeup on?).
Who is more stubborn? Haha. That's a funny question. We are both so stubborn it isn't even funny!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Steve. But I am faarrrr better about NOT holding grudges.
Whose parents do you see the most? It's about equal.
Who proposed? Steve did. On Christmas morning. Wearing his jammies and his sister's new ski hat. And with most of his family staring at us. Classic Steve.
Who has more friends? We have both been lucky in the friend department. We are both pretty friendly and make friends easily. I'd say it's a tie.
Who has more siblings? Steve wins with his seven sisters!
Who wears the pants in the family? Steve would probably joke that I do, but we all know that isn't true! He wears 'em and he's good at it! He keeps our family clicking!


Sunny and Tom Richins said...

That is so funny. I tagged you and then felt guilty because you always get tagged so I changed it. But Im glad you did it. You are such a good sport. And I think you should answer the rest of the questions on my blog too! You two seem like the perfect couple.

Anonymous said...

Love this tag, how fun! It's great hearing all the fun deets about someone's hubby and how their personalities and yours tie together.

Kari said...

It's not that I can't picture Steve doing the laundry, it's any MAN doing the laundry. Can they really do it right??? And where do they put it when it's done? I'm just amazed any man can handle such a task! Way to go Steve!

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