
Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Ups and the Downs

This past couple of weeks have been so full of ups and downs and highs and lows. One day, I will feel ON TOP of the world for getting through the night without too much sleep lost and then the next I will be at my wits end because I did not get a chance to shower or make dinner for the boys. It has been a series of back and forth and tug and pull, one day actually making it to the movie theatre with Lewis (we saw the movie, Up, so cute!) and the next, finding myself stranded at home AGAIN because my baby's schedule does not coincide with what the rest of my family has planned. All of these highs and lows are dominated by the simple fact that I am NOT a cow and I really wish I were! What I mean is, nursing does NOT come easy for me. In fact, it has been down right HARD this time around. Looking back on my experiences with Lewis and Conner, I can see why I was successful at nursing Lewis and why I completely GAVE UP on the idea of nursing Conner. Brayden is somewhere in between. He is really a CHAMPION at eating when he is ravenously hungry, but he constantly wants to nurse and it takes me a little over one full hour to feed him! Then he falls asleep for literally 30-45 minutes and wants to do it all over again! It has been exhausting. Add on a heaping dose of GUILT for neglecting the rest of my family while I have been doing all this and it is easy to see why the downs have really been dragging me, well, DOWN.

It all started at about his two week mark. The lactation lady told me he would be going through a growth spurt and that I might need to be "on the clock" for feeding more often until my body "catches up". Most people only have to endure this non stop nursing for a few days, but this literally has been going on for over a week and I STILL am not satisfying the hunger needs of my growing boy. I have tried every trick under the sun to bump up my milk supply. I have a really great pump. I have the lactation lady on speed dial. I have tried supplementing with a tube attached to the side while he nurses. I have been taking the herbs that are supposed to bump up the mil supply as well as drinking gallons of water each day. I have literally tried it all and while I think it is starting to level off (yeah!) it has left me a bit battle scarred.

I just really would like the ups to start outwaying the downs. I would like to feel NORMAL and go places with my family without being completely TERRIFIED that my baby will wake up and need me to do the full on feeding fest! We have been supplementing a little bit with formula and pumped milk here and there, but my motivation to keep going with nursing is still strong. Just walking up the formula aisle in Target is enough of a boost for me. Formula is expensive. Nursing is free. However, it is NOT without its challenges and apparently, does not come as easily for some as it does for others.

The other day, Lewis said to me, "Mom, I am sorry it is so hard to feed Brayden." I said back, "That's okay Lewis. It will get easier and isn't he worth it?" Lewis smiled and said, "Yeah! Besides mom, we can DO HARD THINGS!" Which is sooo true. It is our family "motto". We CAN do hard things and it is usually the HARD things that are soooo worth the effort.

So, for now, I will keep plugging away at this. As long as I have a few ups to go with the many downs, I can keep my eye on the prize. I am just grateful that I am in a place where I CAN keep working at this. I gave up with Conner because I had a two-year-old running around and demanding my attention too and Conner was a fall asleep and barely suck kind of kid. When Lewis was nursing, well, he was all I had to focus on. Plus, he was AWESOME at nursing! It was literally ten minutes on each side and then he wanted DOWN! I think my milk came in better for him too because he was so great at doing it and I had time to pump after almost every meal with him-he was no nonsense! Brayden will start off strong and then laze around, barely sucking if I'd let him and because the whole process takes so long, the idea of pumping is usually too much.

But, there are some ups that have come from this crazy two weeks of "power nursing" (it's what the lactation lady calls it). I have FINALLY been able to READ real books!!!!!! I have six under my belt so far and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. I MIGHT actually be on the road to recovery for the FIFTY book challenge that I vowed I would do this year. I am sooo excited to be able to have time to read again. It has been great. I will make sure to update at Goodreads as well as post about my latest reads as soon as I can. As for now, my little baby's dinner bell is ringing this very instant. I better go clock back in! Time to nurse!


Jod Jas Curtis said...

Hang in there Girl!! It is worth it, as crappy as it can be I know! My almost 6month old still gets up once a night & loves to eat little amounts, ALOT during the day.
You have an amazing family, such cute boys to help. Glad you have been able to get out & about too :)

Lewyville said...

Oh I so feel your pain. Foster was by far the hardest to nurse. It turns out I wasn't making enough milk this time (something that never happened before). I tried all the pumping, herbs etc. for two months and still never made enough. I finally turned to formula full time and was so relieved. I am now content with the fact that I did all that I could do to nurse but for some reason it wasn't in the cards this time. Just do your best and however it turns out you are still a great mom who only wants the best for her kids.

emurdock said...

I am so sorry this has gotten to be so hard for you. I really think as you get older it is harder for your body to make enough milk, I did not have trouble with the boys, but Kayla was another story. We did the marathon nursing for 3 weeks in addition to supplementing 2 oz after 60 full minutes of nursing. Needless to say I did nurse as long as her poor little body could tolerate milk, but I had to alternate every other feeding with the bottle. Try going to wic for help now that you are not working, you may qualify for help with the formula. It will get better, you have to remember all those hormone in your body are going crazy right now too! You are awesome, it will get better!

The Walch Family said...

Hang in there... it will get getter. It doesn't seem like it right now, but it will, promise! Can't wait to meet this little guy!

sunnie said...

For something that is so natural, I don't get why breast feeding is so hard? I feel for you. Amy would never eat from me, just let the milk down and suck. So I ended up pumping full time and feeding her from the bottle for eleven months! Just take it day by day and realize he WON'T be in this stage forever. Do what YOU can handle and don't be too hard on yourself. The price of formula kept me pumping that long, plus I had enough milk to share; others really wanted it!

Devin and Tiffany said...

Wow Steph, I am so sorry, it sounds very tiring, especially at 3:00 in the morning I am sure! Kinley has been a champ about nursing so I need to not take the for granted!! Take it one day at a time! I LOVE your family motto, I might have to steal it. I am impressed you got out to a movie, it has been hard for me to remember to take special time with each of the other two kiddos!

Laura and her boys! said...

Nursing does suck (ha ha ha) at times, but it is worth it too! I never had the problems that you are, but there are a ton more I did. I will be proud of you for trying now matter what happens!!! Don't kick yourself in the butt or get down. Call if you need me ever! I tried to get you guys to the park with us today. Hope you got the messages and were just doing something else more fun! :)

I love you girl!

Lindsay said...

Thanks for letting me have your boys in Phoenix. They were so great I have some pictures that I will be sending you. So sorry about the nursing. I know that it is tough. I never could make very much milk. And I think because of all the stress that it caused me I started to get postpartum, so I had to quit and everything was OK. You just need to do what is best for you and your family. Call me if you need anything. The boys are always welcome!

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